Warn­ing! Your devicePixelRatio is not 1 (or your brows­er doesn't CSS me­dia queries, in which case you can prob­a­bly ig­nore this warn­ing)! Since HTML is as brain­dead as it can get, cre­at­ing sites out­side of di­ver­si­ty hires cor­po­rate art sphere is damn near im­pos­si­ble, so this site is not re­al­ly op­ti­mized for HiDPI screens. Some im­ages might ap­pear blur­ry.


This is... um... my blog. You can find stuff here. Most­ly re­views rants about shit­ty nip ero­ges, but al­so what­ev­er else I feel like writ­ing down here. You can send com­plaints to /dev/null.

I usu­al­ly test this site with Pale Moon and Chromi­um, oc­ca­sion­al­ly oth­er open source browsers that run on Lin­ux. If it doesn't work cor­rect­ly on a pro­pri­etary brows­er or on a pro­pri­etary OS, I don't give a shit about it. I can't fix it, even if I find the prob­lem. But ac­tu­al­ly, the text it­self is nor­mal HTML text, im­ages are nor­mal im­ages, the ba­sic site func­tion­al­i­ty should work with­out javashit on "bloat" (more com­mon­ly known as "mod­ern") browsers, and if you're not so picky about style, it should be us­able even in ba­sic browsers (heck, even text-on­ly, if you don't care about im­ages).

The videos on this site are VP9 and AV1 WebMs with Opus codec, some­times RGB, some­times full range, which might cause prob­lems with some browsers. When in doubt, down­load the video and play it with mpv and com­pare the re­sults. I al­so heard that fags at Ap­ple re­al­ly hate WebMs, and they in­stead want to shove the patent-en­cum­bered H264 and friends down your throat, so you might have prob­lems there too.

There's no com­ment­ing on the blog now, and prob­a­bly nev­er will, be­cause that doesn't work well with a sta­t­ic web­site. I might set up some kind of mail­ing list, like at null­pro­gram (see page end), but for the time be­ing the on­ly way to in­ter­act with me is to send an email. u3shit@ the do­main of this blog, mi­nus the blog. part.