Warning! Your devicePixelRatio
is not 1 (or your browser doesn't CSS media queries, in which case you can probably ignore this warning)!
Since HTML is as braindead as it can get, creating sites outside of diversity hires corporate art sphere is damn near impossible, so this site is not really optimized for HiDPI screens.
Some images might appear blurry.
This is... um... my blog.
You can find stuff here.
Mostly reviews rants about shitty nip eroges, but also whatever else I feel like writing down here.
You can send complaints to /dev/null
I usually test this site with Pale Moon and Chromium, occasionally other open source browsers that run on Linux. If it doesn't work correctly on a proprietary browser or on a proprietary OS, I don't give a shit about it. I can't fix it, even if I find the problem. But actually, the text itself is normal HTML text, images are normal images, the basic site functionality should work without javashit on "bloat" (more commonly known as "modern") browsers, and if you're not so picky about style, it should be usable even in basic browsers (heck, even text-only, if you don't care about images).
The videos on this site are VP9 and AV1 WebMs with Opus codec, sometimes RGB, sometimes full range, which might cause problems with some browsers.
When in doubt, download the video and play it with mpv
and compare the results.
I also heard that fags at Apple really hate WebMs, and they instead want to shove the patent-encumbered H264 and friends down your throat, so you might have problems there too.
There's no commenting on the blog now, and probably never will, because that doesn't work well with a static website.
I might set up some kind of mailing list, like at nullprogram (see page end), but for the time being the only way to interact with me is to send an email.
the domain of this blog, minus the blog.