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Since HTML is as braindead as it can get, creating sites outside of diversity hires corporate art sphere is damn near impossible, so this site is not really optimized for HiDPI screens.
Some images might appear blurry.
- Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (PlayStation)
- Need for Speed 6: Hot Pursuit 2 (Windows)
- Motor City Online
- Need for Speed 5: Porsche Unleashed (Windows)
- Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (Windows)
- Need for Speed II (Windows)
- Loudness normalization with FFmpeg
- Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed (DOS)
- Need for Speed 4: High Stakes (Windows)
- Love Room 301
- 2023 updates
- Didnapper
- Upscaling things on X11
- Tasogare no Kyoukai / 黄昏の境界
- euphoria
- Dohna Dohna / ドーナドーナ