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Cre­at­ed: 1675289960 (2023-02-01T22:19:20Z), 4085 words, ~17 min­utes

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Here we go, a full game around the Damsel in Dis­tress trope. Or the more fetish for­mat of it. I didn't have to look fur­ther, I al­ready want­ed to try out this game. Ac­tu­al­ly, this game is some­where in be­tween, so don't ex­pect any hard­core bondage stuff. Or any 18+ stuff for that mat­ter, this game is com­plete­ly fam­i­ly friend­ly! De­spite this, it's not a bad game, but I'm get­ting ahead of my­self.

The game is for­tu­nate­ly free, so you don't have to search for it for hours on ob­scure hen­tai shar­ing sites, you just go to the more-or-less of­fi­cial down­load page. (I mean, the orig­i­nal is on Fan­dom, but on­ly click on it if breezewi­ki is dead. Call­ing the fan­dom site an uber-can­cer on steroids is an un­der­state­ment.) You just have to in­stall the RMXP run­time, un­pack the game, and run it. Don't be­lieve what the down­load page says, it works (al­most) per­fect­ly in wine. Or, at least that's what I want­ed to write, but when I tried to run the game when writ­ing this re­view, of course it didn't start. I didn't do a bi­sect on the wine source, but it looks like wine 7.7 works. Wine 7.0 is too old, 7.16 is too new. So it's just wine, fix­ing one bug, cre­at­ing two new each re­lease, as usu­al. Don't for­get to in­stall core­fonts (winetricks corefonts) oth­er­wise you will have no text in the main menu.

But even with this there are some sound prob­lems. It's not too no­tice­able, as I fin­ished the game with­out notic­ing the prob­lem, but the thing is some back­ground mu­sics are MIDI files (hel­lo 80s!), and there's a wine bug the de­vel­op­ers didn't both­er to fix in 15 years... You can sort of fix it by winetricks directmusic gmdls, and you will have MIDI play­back, but that will break the in­tro video's sound and MP3 mu­sic in­stead, and it's not a good deal since there are a lot more mu­sic/sound ef­fects in MP3 than in MIDI. There were quartz er­rors in the log, some­what ex­pectable as I tried to mix the M$ and Wine im­ple­men­ta­tions, I've in­stalled the M$ quartz dlls, and ffd­show and every­thing, the on­ly thing I man­aged to achieve to com­plete­ly break the in­tro video dis­play... For­tu­nate­ly this ver­sion of RPG Mak­er stores mu­sic as plain files in Au­dio di­rec­to­ry of the game and the RTP and for­tu­nate­ly² it doesn't care about file ex­ten­sions, so in the end I just con­vert­ed every .mid file to .ogg with this mouth­ful used-to-be-one­lin­er:

find Audio $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program\ Files/Common\ Files/Enterbrain/RGSS/Standard/Audio \
  -iname '*.mid' -print0 | \
  xargs -n1 -0P$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) sh -c \
  'fluidsynth -ni /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2 "$1" -r 48000 -T raw -F - | oggenc --raw -R 48000 -q 10 - -o "${1%.mid}.ogg" && rm "$1"' --

Run it from the Did­nap­per di­rec­to­ry, make sure $WINEPREFIX is set, and back­up your shit be­fore as it will delete the .mid files af­ter con­ver­sion. (I tried to re­name them to sim­ply .mid.bak, but the en­gine couldn't han­dle that...) You could try to use timid­i­ty in­stead of flu­idsynth, but it gave me hor­ri­ble re­sults. Al­so cor­rect the sound­font lo­ca­tion if it doesn't match your sys­tem's, and ogg qual­i­ty 10 might be overkill, but I don't care, I have free disk space.

With that solved, the on­ly is­sue that re­mains is that when you start the game, and it tries to play the in­tro video, it will dis­play an er­ror mes­sage. It will nev­er­the­less play the video, just don't click OK un­til it's done, be­cause that will stop the play­back. And if we're talk­ing about in­tro video, here is it:

Cool Live2D like an­i­ma­tions by the way. Too bad the game doesn't have any­thing like that. And I've cheat­ed above, this is not the ac­tu­al in­tro video. You have three ver­sions of the in­tro video bun­dled with the game, IntroP.wmv, IntroQ.wmv and IntroR.wmv, the let­ters PQR are prob­a­bly ver­sion num­bers. The game us­es R, but above is Q which is as far as I can tell the same as R, but in high­er res­o­lu­tion. De­spite Did­nap­per 1.8.2 was re­leased in 2019, it still us­es RPG Mak­er XP, which means every­thing is 640x480 (which is al­so ridicu­lous, giv­en RPG Mak­er XP was re­leased in 2005, but Voodoo 2 in SLI could do 3D at 1024x768 in 1998. In 2005, I think I had a 1280x1024 CRT us­ing the cheap-ass HW I had at that time, but I dug up some stats from 2005, lament­ing how 800x600 is dis­ap­pear­ing. 640x480 is not even on the list, you have to go back one year, to find a whop­ping num­ber of 0.6% of users still us­ing 640x480. And no, that was around time when they start­ed to put a 3D ac­cel­er­a­tor in­to every VGA card, so draw­ing some fuck­ing 2D sprites weren't some­thing that war­rant­ed such a low res­o­lu­tion. But nips nev­er un­der­stood soft­ware, and RPG Mak­er is not the ex­cep­tion to this rule...). Any­way, this was the in­tro, you didn't lose any­thing if your wine didn't play it (try with a clean WINEPREFIX, I man­aged to fuck up my pre­fix by up­grad­ing/down­grad­ing wine ver­sions).


The game is set place "in a fan­ta­sy land where women are con­stant­ly bound and gagged," to quote the wi­ki. I like where this is go­ing. Any­way, you're play­ing as Su­ki, who's go­ing to be crowned, but just be­fore the cer­e­mo­ny she's kid­napped. And bound. And gagged. Like it should. Khm. So you end up in some un­der­ground dun­geon, the lair of a kid­nap­ping guild, and what do you do? Es­cape. Ap­par­ent­ly the guild has a prob­lem of many girls es­cap­ing re­cent­ly. Just... ig­nore this "you had one job" prob­lem, treat it as an eroge, where things don't have to make sense. So af­ter es­cap­ing the bonds and your cell (since the guard left the keys in a place where you can reach) and pick­ing up a dag­ger, you sin­gle-hand­ed­ly get rid of the guards, you run in­to the boss, who gives you an of­fer you can't de­cline. Yeah, turn off your mind, it doesn't make sense (it will make a bit more as you com­plete the game, though). So that's how the game starts, you got­ta help the kid­nap­per guild, in ex­change they will help you track down that trai­tor bitch.

Oh, and af­ter this, you'll have to change your name, to hide your re­al iden­ti­ty. I went with Nanashi as usu­al, but I'll con­tin­ue to re­fer to Su­ki as Su­ki (but you'll see some Nanashi in the screen­shots).

Su­ki: Cherisa? Cherisa... is queen?

Guild­mas­ter: Of course. She was next in line of suc­ces­sion af­ter you, was she not? The world be­lieves that Princess Su­ki is dead, killed by ban­dits on the road. In truth, La­dy Cherisa of­fered us a sum of mon­ey to keep you here, cap­tive but safe, while she took the throne in your place. She did, un­for­tu­nate­ly, ne­glect to spec­i­fy a time lim­it on your stay. I feel that we have held up our end of the bar­gain.

Su­ki: Why? How could she... how could Cherisa do this to me?

Guild­mas­ter: That’s a ques­tion you will have to ask her your­self... al­though that crown on her head may just have some­thing to do with it. As the queen, Cherisa will not be easy to reach, es­pe­cial­ly for a dead princess.

Got­ta ad­mit, this game has a sto­ry. Much bet­ter than what you could ex­pect from a ran­dom west­ern fetish game. It looks weird at the be­gin­ning, but the pieces will fall in­to place, as you dis­cov­er the coun­try you were sup­posed to be the next queen of (and it's not what you orig­i­nal­ly thought about it). My biggest gripe here is the pac­ing: you have the in­tro that I just men­tioned, then a long seg­ment where bare­ly any­thing hap­pen, then the last 2-3 mis­sions where you'll be in­fo­dumped on the world. Yes, I know, that was the deal, first you have to help the guild, and those mis­sions will not be as in­ter­est­ing from a sto­ry per­spec­tive, but it could have been done bet­ter.

If we're talk­ing about sto­ry, I must men­tion the end­ing. Ob­vi­ous spoil­ers ahead. Dur­ing the whole sto­ry, while Su­ki states nu­mer­ous times that she doesn't re­al­ly like this kid­nap­ping thing, she seems to grad­u­al­ly get used to it and start lik­ing it (just look at Pri­vate Cells be­low). Then cometh the end­ing, the Big Bad is de­feat­ed, and what hap­pens? Su­ki goes full moralfag, oh my all the wrongs I did, I have to atone for­ev­er, blah­blah­blah. She re­leas­es all her cap­tured en­e­mies, forces the guild to move to a new hide­out, leaves Cherisa be­hind, and goes in­na­woods with her friends. And she has the au­dac­i­ty to call this a hap­py end­ing! All char­ac­ter de­vel­op­ment thrown out of the win­dow, just to fol­low some hyp­ocrite agen­da, or I don't know what... but this is one of the rea­sons I hate west­ern garbage, they al­ways have some hid­den agen­da you on­ly no­tice when it's too late. This end­ing lit­er­al­ly made me sick. Ac­tu­al­ly check out the bad end­ing, I'm in­clined to say that it's bet­ter.


And apart from there, there are a bunch of side char­ac­ters. I can't be both­ered to write any­thing about them, there are just too many of them, play the game or read the wi­ki for more in­fo. This is not the game where you have 2-3 main char­ac­ters, and every­one else is a name­less throw­away char­ac­ter.


The game plays like your nor­mal RPG Mak­er game, with all its usu­al idio­syn­crasies, but there are two unique me­chan­ics in it.

The first is used dur­ing the bat­tles. With male en­e­mies, you just beat them un­til their HP reach­es ze­ro, when they just dis­ap­pear, as usu­al. How­ev­er, girls' HP can't go be­low 1—in­stead they will start flash­ing red when their HP is low (be­low 5%, I think). In that case, you have to use the "Sub­due" skill, which is ac­tu­al­ly just a fan­cy way say­ing "tie that bitch up". Note that this whole thing works in re­verse too, so your char­ac­ters (whose are al­ways girls, ex­cept a few times at the very be­gin­ning) can't die, but they can be tied up. You win the bat­tle when you get rid of all male en­e­mies, and you tie up all fe­male en­e­mies, and you lose when all your girls are tied up. This has a few con­se­quences:

The sec­ond dif­fer­ence is the es­cape minigame. When you lose a bat­tle, most of the time you don't get a game over screen, but in­stead you're cap­tured, tied up, gagged, and thrown in a cell. It al­so hap­pens a few times dur­ing the nor­mal sto­ry.

Leroy: So, lis­ten up. Usu­al­ly, when you’re tied up, you’re gonna have three prob­lems. Your arms and legs will be bound, and you’ll prob­a­bly be gagged as well, even if it’s not strict­ly nec­es­sary.

Su­ki: ...Why?

Leroy: Gag­ging a girl is its own re­ward.

I like this guy. The es­cape minigame... not much. You can "strug­gle" at three places, gag, arms or legs. Each time you strug­gle, you have ar­rows ap­pear­ing on the screen, you have to press the cor­rect di­rec­tion­al ar­row, and if suc­cess­ful the strength of the bind de­creas­es. If not, you make some cute sound... and not sure what else, I think the game told you some­thing about this in the ini­tial tu­to­r­i­al, but I ac­ci­den­tal­ly skipped that text and it nev­er both­ered to tell it again. Khm. If you free your mouth, you can make sounds, to lure the guards to your place, hop­ing they will help (and not make your con­di­tion worse). To be hon­est, I nev­er tried this me­chan­ic, it looked too risky. (It has noth­ing to do with my non-ex­is­tent so­cial skills in re­al life, I swear!) If you free your legs, you can move around the room you're in, and hope­ful­ly you can find some tool in the room that will help your es­cape. If you free your arms, you won.

Now, you have a thing called es­cape lev­el, which ba­si­cal­ly de­ter­mines the times you can use strug­gle be­fore a (re­al) game over. Now, don't do what I did, don't lis­ten to Leroy when he says to train es­cap­ing at the be­gin­ning of the game. I went and tried all dif­fi­cul­ty lev­els, every me­chan­ic, etc., so I end­ed up with an es­cape lev­el of 5. Very bad idea. With that my es­cape lev­el was OP for the re­main­ing of the game, even though I on­ly did the manda­to­ry es­capes, I nev­er failed any com­bat that you weren't sup­posed to fail. But on the oth­er hand, as I men­tioned, I didn't like the es­cape minigame, so it's prob­a­bly bet­ter that way any­way. It's an­noy­ing, but nei­ther in­ter­est­ing nor fun, you can just brute force your arm strug­gling and es­cape with­in the time lim­it, prob­a­bly even on the low­est es­cape lev­el, ig­nor­ing all these ex­tra fea­tures. Get­ting your feet or mouth free is eas­i­er, but the bonus you get from them bare­ly mat­ters. Just take a look at this video:

(I like how can she move her up­per body, with­out mov­ing her legs or head even a mil­lime­ter.) This is the hard­est prac­tice es­cape, with the game set to the hard­est dif­fi­cul­ty, on es­cape lev­el 5. First I tried to free her legs first to show off how you can find some ran­dom hid­den items to help you, but ap­par­ent­ly on the hard­est lev­el you don't get any help, and try­ing to free her arms af­ter the legs was too much, and I ran out of time.

Fi­nal­ly, one more thing that you need to get used to is that you can't open your nor­mal RPG Mak­er menu any­time, you can on­ly open it when you're near a blue chest. This means that not on­ly you can't save your game any­time, you can't even change gear or use your items when you're not next to a chest. It's not the end of the world, but you need to get used to it.

Leroy: Fi­nal­ly, see that blue chest over there? If you need to change your clothes or your gear, use that. You can al­so do some­thing called ‘sav­ing’ there, but I’m not too clear on it. Maybe there’s a pig­gy bank in there.


The main game­play is pret­ty straight­for­ward, you have a bill­board at the hide­out where you can start the next mis­sion, and be­tween mis­sions you're free to ex­plore pre­vi­ous­ly vis­it­ed places, se­lect­ed from the min­imap. (Got­ta ad­mit, the min­imap looks a bit cheap, like it's some ran­dom­ly gen­er­at­ed ter­rain from Ter­ra­gen...) There are al­so a cou­ple of side mis­sions that you can trig­ger while wan­der­ing around the some­what open world. I say some­what, be­cause you can't go back to every pre­vi­ous lo­ca­tion (but you can re­play old mis­sions), and usu­al RPG Mak­er lim­i­ta­tion of "every map is 5 cm² at most" to break im­mer­sion as much as pos­si­ble. The mis­sions are quite straight­for­ward, go to place A and kid­nap girls or go meet some­one... then hell breaks loose, and you have to some­how get out of the mess. But... it's not a hard game, I mean I played it on the hard­est lev­el, and while at the very be­gin­ning of the game it gave me some trou­ble, af­ter I get used to the game and com­plet­ed the first few mis­sions to have more than one par­ty mem­bers and mon­ey to ac­tu­al­ly buy items and skills, it was a smooth sail­ing. I found it quite easy, and I'm not a huge RPG play­er. You play this game for the sto­ry and fan ser­vice, not the ac­tu­al game­play, that's on­ly bare­ly bet­ter than your av­er­age fetish RPG game.

One thing that I liked in the game, the Tro­phy Hall and the Pri­vate Cell. In some mis­sions and side mis­sions, you can cap­ture some pres­ti­gious girls, they will be trans­ferred to the Tro­phy Hall, to keep them as a tro­phy. You can ex­pect what does mean, tied up, gagged, and thrown in a cell. They will be your harem... no, sor­ry, this is not an eroge, but you can take them to the Pri­vate Cell, where you can give them dif­fer­ent out­fits, gag or un­gag them, and have some ba­sic in­ter­ac­tions with them.


The Tro­phy Hall and the Pri­vate Cell, with every pos­si­ble char­ac­ter cap­tured. Please note that there's a small cheat­ing here, as you can't have Su­ki and Car­ol tied up at the same time, it's just the mag­ic of stitch­ing to­geth­er mul­ti­ple screen­shots.


The girls nor­mal­ly have on­ly one out­fit (the de­fault), you have to ob­tain the oth­er out­fits scat­tered around the world in chests and ran­dom (side)-quest re­wards. (I'm not sure whether every­one has ex­tra out­fits or on­ly se­lect­ed char­ac­ters, I cer­tain­ly didn't find ex­tra out­fits for every­one.)

The bad thing about this fea­ture is that it's a bit shal­low. What you can see above is every­thing. There's a hid­den skill for every par­ty char­ac­ter that you can learn by in­ter­act­ing with them in the cell, but oth­er than, you won't lose any­thing if you skip this fea­ture. The cap­tured char­ac­ters have some kind of mood stat, they can hate or love, but I don't think it changes any­thing with par­ty mem­bers, and you don't get to re­lease non-par­ty, so it mat­ters even less with them. Still, I've spent a lot of time here, but on­ly to sat­is­fy my fetish re­quire­ments, not be­cause it made any (ra­tio­nal) sense.

One room left you have the Hold­ing Cell. There are a few "Cap­ture Zones" on the world map, where you can cap­ture girls, and re­turn­ing to the lair you can sell them. How­ev­er, it doesn't pay well, so it's go­ing to be grindy to get any mon­ey here. (Ac­tu­al­ly, my biggest prob­lem here, is that when you try to cap­ture a girl, you have a QTE-like thing, and I fail it 9 times out of 10, which means I have to bat­tle the girl. They're fuck­ing weak­lings, so it's not a prob­lem, but it wastes time.)

Capture0JXL PNGCapture1JXL PNG

And prob­a­bly there are a lot of small ran­dom shit I'm for­get­ting about, but this re­view is al­ready get­ting long, so I'll stop here.

Graphics, music, etc.#

See­ing a lot of fa­mil­iar tiles? Yeah. I mean, it's a free game, and at least there are lots of unique char­ac­ters, and they have prop­er art, plus some CGs (even though it looks like they were made by dif­fer­ent peo­ple, the art style is dif­fer­ent). And by prop­er art, I mean, it's noth­ing to write home about, but it's still 1000 times bet­ter than what you have in your usu­al west­ern fetish games. Plus it for­tu­nate­ly has cus­tom mu­sic for most ar­eas, so that's a bonus. (The side mis­sion video above is one of the few ex­cep­tions with its 028-Town06 BGM. But as I said in the be­gin­ning, I haven't no­ticed MIDI play­back doesn't work un­til I fin­ished the game, and all stan­dard RPG Mak­er BGM is MIDI, so I might be a bit skewed here.)



In over­all, de­spite the short­com­ings, this is a sur­pris­ing­ly de­cent game, giv­en the cir­cum­stances. I'm not sure whether the lack of any 18+ con­tent is an ad­van­tage or a dis­ad­van­tage here, there have been many places where I'd en­joy a bit more fanser­vice or even some light H con­tent, but giv­en that it's a west­ern game, there's a 90% chance that it would ru­in the game (the end­ing on­ly broke the end­ing of the game, while bad­ly ex­e­cut­ed H could ru­in the whole game), so maybe it's bet­ter this way.

Didnapper 2?#

I know they re­leased Did­nap­per 2 at the end of 2021, but if the project his­to­ry (Fan­dom) of Did­nap­per 1 is any in­di­ca­tion, I don't think there will be any point in check­ing out Did­nap­per 2 in the next 5-10 years. Plus there's no Su­ki, and it's no longer free, so it'd be a bit more has­sle to get...