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Created: 1675289960 (2023-02-01T22:19:20Z), 4085 words, ~17 minutes
Tags: review, western, surprisingly not eroge, rpg, rpgmaker, did
Here we go, a full game around the Damsel in Distress trope. Or the more fetish format of it. I didn't have to look further, I already wanted to try out this game. Actually, this game is somewhere in between, so don't expect any hardcore bondage stuff. Or any 18+ stuff for that matter, this game is completely family friendly! Despite this, it's not a bad game, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
The game is fortunately free, so you don't have to search for it for hours on obscure hentai sharing sites, you just go to the more-or-less official download page.
(I mean, the original is on Fandom, but only click on it if breezewiki is dead.
Calling the fandom site an uber-cancer on steroids is an understatement.)
You just have to install the RMXP runtime, unpack the game, and run it.
Don't believe what the download page says, it works (almost) perfectly in wine.
Or, at least that's what I wanted to write, but when I tried to run the game when writing this review, of course it didn't start.
I didn't do a bisect on the wine source, but it looks like wine 7.7 works.
Wine 7.0 is too old, 7.16 is too new.
So it's just wine, fixing one bug, creating two new each release, as usual.
Don't forget to install corefonts (winetricks corefonts
) otherwise you will have no text in the main menu.
But even with this there are some sound problems.
It's not too noticeable, as I finished the game without noticing the problem, but the thing is some background musics are MIDI files (hello 80s!), and there's a wine bug the developers didn't bother to fix in 15 years...
You can sort of fix it by winetricks directmusic gmdls
, and you will have MIDI playback, but that will break the intro video's sound and MP3 music instead, and it's not a good deal since there are a lot more music/sound effects in MP3 than in MIDI.
There were quartz errors in the log, somewhat expectable as I tried to mix the M$ and Wine implementations, I've installed the M$ quartz dlls, and ffdshow and everything, the only thing I managed to achieve to completely break the intro video display...
Fortunately this version of RPG Maker stores music as plain files in Audio directory of the game and the RTP and fortunately² it doesn't care about file extensions, so in the end I just converted every .mid
file to .ogg
with this mouthful used-to-be-oneliner:
find Audio $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program\ Files/Common\ Files/Enterbrain/RGSS/Standard/Audio \
-iname '*.mid' -print0 | \
xargs -n1 -0P$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) sh -c \
'fluidsynth -ni /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2 "$1" -r 48000 -T raw -F - | oggenc --raw -R 48000 -q 10 - -o "${1%.mid}.ogg" && rm "$1"' --
Run it from the Didnapper directory, make sure $WINEPREFIX is set, and backup your shit before as it will delete the .mid
files after conversion.
(I tried to rename them to simply .mid.bak
, but the engine couldn't handle that...)
You could try to use timidity instead of fluidsynth, but it gave me horrible results.
Also correct the soundfont location if it doesn't match your system's, and ogg quality 10 might be overkill, but I don't care, I have free disk space.
With that solved, the only issue that remains is that when you start the game, and it tries to play the intro video, it will display an error message. It will nevertheless play the video, just don't click OK until it's done, because that will stop the playback. And if we're talking about intro video, here is it:
Cool Live2D like animations by the way.
Too bad the game doesn't have anything like that.
And I've cheated above, this is not the actual intro video.
You have three versions of the intro video bundled with the game, IntroP.wmv
, IntroQ.wmv
and IntroR.wmv
, the letters PQR
are probably version numbers.
The game uses R
, but above is Q
which is as far as I can tell the same as R
, but in higher resolution.
Despite Didnapper 1.8.2 was released in 2019, it still uses RPG Maker XP, which means everything is 640x480 (which is also ridiculous, given RPG Maker XP was released in 2005, but Voodoo 2 in SLI could do 3D at 1024x768 in 1998.
In 2005, I think I had a 1280x1024 CRT using the cheap-ass HW I had at that time, but I dug up some stats from 2005, lamenting how 800x600 is disappearing.
640x480 is not even on the list, you have to go back one year, to find a whopping number of 0.6% of users still using 640x480.
And no, that was around time when they started to put a 3D accelerator into every VGA card, so drawing some fucking 2D sprites weren't something that warranted such a low resolution.
But nips never understood software, and RPG Maker is not the exception to this rule...).
Anyway, this was the intro, you didn't lose anything if your wine didn't play it (try with a clean WINEPREFIX
, I managed to fuck up my prefix by upgrading/downgrading wine versions).
The game is set place "in a fantasy land where women are constantly bound and gagged," to quote the wiki. I like where this is going. Anyway, you're playing as Suki, who's going to be crowned, but just before the ceremony she's kidnapped. And bound. And gagged. Like it should. Khm. So you end up in some underground dungeon, the lair of a kidnapping guild, and what do you do? Escape. Apparently the guild has a problem of many girls escaping recently. Just... ignore this "you had one job" problem, treat it as an eroge, where things don't have to make sense. So after escaping the bonds and your cell (since the guard left the keys in a place where you can reach) and picking up a dagger, you single-handedly get rid of the guards, you run into the boss, who gives you an offer you can't decline. Yeah, turn off your mind, it doesn't make sense (it will make a bit more as you complete the game, though). So that's how the game starts, you gotta help the kidnapper guild, in exchange they will help you track down that traitor bitch.
Oh, and after this, you'll have to change your name, to hide your real identity. I went with Nanashi as usual, but I'll continue to refer to Suki as Suki (but you'll see some Nanashi in the screenshots).
Suki: Cherisa? Cherisa... is queen?
Guildmaster: Of course. She was next in line of succession after you, was she not? The world believes that Princess Suki is dead, killed by bandits on the road. In truth, Lady Cherisa offered us a sum of money to keep you here, captive but safe, while she took the throne in your place. She did, unfortunately, neglect to specify a time limit on your stay. I feel that we have held up our end of the bargain.
Suki: Why? How could she... how could Cherisa do this to me?
Guildmaster: That’s a question you will have to ask her yourself... although that crown on her head may just have something to do with it. As the queen, Cherisa will not be easy to reach, especially for a dead princess.
Gotta admit, this game has a story. Much better than what you could expect from a random western fetish game. It looks weird at the beginning, but the pieces will fall into place, as you discover the country you were supposed to be the next queen of (and it's not what you originally thought about it). My biggest gripe here is the pacing: you have the intro that I just mentioned, then a long segment where barely anything happen, then the last 2-3 missions where you'll be infodumped on the world. Yes, I know, that was the deal, first you have to help the guild, and those missions will not be as interesting from a story perspective, but it could have been done better.
If we're talking about story, I must mention the ending. Obvious spoilers ahead. During the whole story, while Suki states numerous times that she doesn't really like this kidnapping thing, she seems to gradually get used to it and start liking it (just look at Private Cells below). Then cometh the ending, the Big Bad is defeated, and what happens? Suki goes full moralfag, oh my all the wrongs I did, I have to atone forever, blahblahblah. She releases all her captured enemies, forces the guild to move to a new hideout, leaves Cherisa behind, and goes innawoods with her friends. And she has the audacity to call this a happy ending! All character development thrown out of the window, just to follow some hypocrite agenda, or I don't know what... but this is one of the reasons I hate western garbage, they always have some hidden agenda you only notice when it's too late. This ending literally made me sick. Actually check out the bad ending, I'm inclined to say that it's better.
Suki: 「オレはSukiのことが大好きだ!」 (Sorry, I had to do this. Reverse-romanization (or more like the lack of it) is from here.)
The player character. She's kind, caring, who ends up as a kidnapper against her will. At first, she doesn't like it, but soon she gets used to it (and I think she also starts to like it somewhat). As the protagonist, she's a generically capable person in melee combat, and a master of ropes.
- Carol: She was a thief before she ran into Suki and stayed. She's mischievous, energetic, easy-going, and also a switch, who likes tying up girls, but also likes being tied up. As a former thief, she's the only member of the party who doesn't bombard you with her moralist garbage (rather, she's full of "inappropriate" suggestions). She also has a crush on Suki. She would be probably happily living in an underground cell with Suki as long as they have enough rope to play with each other. In combat, she's focused on speed with high AGI, so she almost always comes first in a round, but on the flip side it also means that her attack and defense is weaker. (Even though her Poison Edge skill can be pretty strong, when it manages to poison the enemy.)
- Athena: A former mercenary, who joins the group after you rescue her from her captors. Personality wise... well, she didn't leave a strong impression. She's strong and likes to do things her own way, but the group usually turns her down, and she has to follow the group. She's always quarreling with Carol, due to their conception on how to handle things are usually the polar opposites of each other. In battle, she's a tank: strong, high HP and defense, but slow as shit. Her Leg Sweep skill can be particularly powerful.
- Evelyn: A freshman at the local mage academy, who joins your team last after she failed to fit in at the academy. She wasn't evil enough. As such, she's the turbo moralfag of the party, but unlike Suki, you couldn't call her a hypocrite. She always seeks to solve conflicts in a peaceful way, she doesn't want to fight anyone, even less tie up girls, it's not her fault that it almost never works out. In combat, she's a mage, so you get the usual: she has low HP/defense, she's also pretty slow, and if her SP runs out, and you're left with only her standard melee attack, well, at that point you might even stop trying, it won't make any difference. But her magic spells are really powerful, as long as you keep her SP up, she'll slice through the enemies. She also has a bunch of buff and debuff skills, if you learn them.
And apart from there, there are a bunch of side characters. I can't be bothered to write anything about them, there are just too many of them, play the game or read the wiki for more info. This is not the game where you have 2-3 main characters, and everyone else is a nameless throwaway character.
The game plays like your normal RPG Maker game, with all its usual idiosyncrasies, but there are two unique mechanics in it.
The first is used during the battles. With male enemies, you just beat them until their HP reaches zero, when they just disappear, as usual. However, girls' HP can't go below 1—instead they will start flashing red when their HP is low (below 5%, I think). In that case, you have to use the "Subdue" skill, which is actually just a fancy way saying "tie that bitch up". Note that this whole thing works in reverse too, so your characters (whose are always girls, except a few times at the very beginning) can't die, but they can be tied up. You win the battle when you get rid of all male enemies, and you tie up all female enemies, and you lose when all your girls are tied up. This has a few consequences:
- This is a turn based game, where you have to queue all actions at the beginning of the turn. This is normally not a huge deal, as in RPG Maker games you can usually just attack the same enemy character, and if it dies, your characters will simply chose a different one. Not here, though, as female characters don't die. If you do this, your characters will just beat the same one character without doing any damage. You'll have to guess the damage you'll deal, and not overdo it. It's a bit annoying that you can only see the enemies' HP when you select them for attacking.
- Continuing from the previous point, you also have use your "Subdue" skill at the right time. After some time you'll learn how much your characters damage and their order, so you can attack and then subdue a character in the same round with pretty high reliability. Later Suki learns the "Subjugating Strike" skill, which does damage and subdues the enemy if her HP is low enough, but it has so high SP cost that it's almost never worth to use it.
Tied up girls can be rescued by other characters (think revive skill), but sometimes they can also untie themselves. If you tie up a girl early in the combat, expect her to untie herself. There's the "Secure Bindings" skill, which reinforces the bindings, can be useful to make sure someone doesn't untie herself, but it also has a pretty high SP cost, so unless it's a high-risk character (for example she has a powerful special attack) you're usually better just tying them again after they untie themselves. (When they untie themselves, their HP doesn't increase, so you can easily tie them again.)
Carol has a semi-hidden passive skill, called Masochist, in which she randomly heals herself while she's tied up. Cute.
The second difference is the escape minigame. When you lose a battle, most of the time you don't get a game over screen, but instead you're captured, tied up, gagged, and thrown in a cell. It also happens a few times during the normal story.
Leroy: So, listen up. Usually, when you’re tied up, you’re gonna have three problems. Your arms and legs will be bound, and you’ll probably be gagged as well, even if it’s not strictly necessary.
Suki: ...Why?
Leroy: Gagging a girl is its own reward.
I like this guy.
The escape minigame... not much.
You can "struggle" at three places, gag, arms or legs.
Each time you struggle, you have arrows appearing on the screen, you have to press the correct directional arrow, and if successful the strength of the bind decreases.
If not, you make some cute sound... and not sure what else, I think the game told you something about this in the initial tutorial, but I accidentally skipped that text and it never bothered to tell it again.
If you free your mouth, you can make sounds, to lure the guards to your place, hoping they will help (and not make your condition worse).
To be honest, I never tried this mechanic, it looked too risky.
(It has nothing to do with my non-existent social skills in real life, I swear!)
If you free your legs, you can move around the room you're in, and hopefully you can find some tool in the room that will help your escape.
If you free your arms, you won.
Now, you have a thing called escape level, which basically determines the times you can use struggle before a (real) game over. Now, don't do what I did, don't listen to Leroy when he says to train escaping at the beginning of the game. I went and tried all difficulty levels, every mechanic, etc., so I ended up with an escape level of 5. Very bad idea. With that my escape level was OP for the remaining of the game, even though I only did the mandatory escapes, I never failed any combat that you weren't supposed to fail. But on the other hand, as I mentioned, I didn't like the escape minigame, so it's probably better that way anyway. It's annoying, but neither interesting nor fun, you can just brute force your arm struggling and escape within the time limit, probably even on the lowest escape level, ignoring all these extra features. Getting your feet or mouth free is easier, but the bonus you get from them barely matters. Just take a look at this video:
(I like how can she move her upper body, without moving her legs or head even a millimeter.) This is the hardest practice escape, with the game set to the hardest difficulty, on escape level 5. First I tried to free her legs first to show off how you can find some random hidden items to help you, but apparently on the hardest level you don't get any help, and trying to free her arms after the legs was too much, and I ran out of time.
Finally, one more thing that you need to get used to is that you can't open your normal RPG Maker menu anytime, you can only open it when you're near a blue chest. This means that not only you can't save your game anytime, you can't even change gear or use your items when you're not next to a chest. It's not the end of the world, but you need to get used to it.
Leroy: Finally, see that blue chest over there? If you need to change your clothes or your gear, use that. You can also do something called ‘saving’ there, but I’m not too clear on it. Maybe there’s a piggy bank in there.
The main gameplay is pretty straightforward, you have a billboard at the hideout where you can start the next mission, and between missions you're free to explore previously visited places, selected from the minimap. (Gotta admit, the minimap looks a bit cheap, like it's some randomly generated terrain from Terragen...) There are also a couple of side missions that you can trigger while wandering around the somewhat open world. I say somewhat, because you can't go back to every previous location (but you can replay old missions), and usual RPG Maker limitation of "every map is 5 cm² at most" to break immersion as much as possible. The missions are quite straightforward, go to place A and kidnap girls or go meet someone... then hell breaks loose, and you have to somehow get out of the mess. But... it's not a hard game, I mean I played it on the hardest level, and while at the very beginning of the game it gave me some trouble, after I get used to the game and completed the first few missions to have more than one party members and money to actually buy items and skills, it was a smooth sailing. I found it quite easy, and I'm not a huge RPG player. You play this game for the story and fan service, not the actual gameplay, that's only barely better than your average fetish RPG game.
One thing that I liked in the game, the Trophy Hall and the Private Cell. In some missions and side missions, you can capture some prestigious girls, they will be transferred to the Trophy Hall, to keep them as a trophy. You can expect what does mean, tied up, gagged, and thrown in a cell. They will be your harem... no, sorry, this is not an eroge, but you can take them to the Private Cell, where you can give them different outfits, gag or ungag them, and have some basic interactions with them.
The Trophy Hall and the Private Cell, with every possible character captured. Please note that there's a small cheating here, as you can't have Suki and Carol tied up at the same time, it's just the magic of stitching together multiple screenshots.
The girls normally have only one outfit (the default), you have to obtain the other outfits scattered around the world in chests and random (side)-quest rewards. (I'm not sure whether everyone has extra outfits or only selected characters, I certainly didn't find extra outfits for everyone.)
The bad thing about this feature is that it's a bit shallow. What you can see above is everything. There's a hidden skill for every party character that you can learn by interacting with them in the cell, but other than, you won't lose anything if you skip this feature. The captured characters have some kind of mood stat, they can hate or love, but I don't think it changes anything with party members, and you don't get to release non-party, so it matters even less with them. Still, I've spent a lot of time here, but only to satisfy my fetish requirements, not because it made any (rational) sense.
One room left you have the Holding Cell. There are a few "Capture Zones" on the world map, where you can capture girls, and returning to the lair you can sell them. However, it doesn't pay well, so it's going to be grindy to get any money here. (Actually, my biggest problem here, is that when you try to capture a girl, you have a QTE-like thing, and I fail it 9 times out of 10, which means I have to battle the girl. They're fucking weaklings, so it's not a problem, but it wastes time.)
And probably there are a lot of small random shit I'm forgetting about, but this review is already getting long, so I'll stop here.
Graphics, music, etc.#
Seeing a lot of familiar tiles? Yeah.
I mean, it's a free game, and at least there are lots of unique characters, and they have proper art, plus some CGs (even though it looks like they were made by different people, the art style is different).
And by proper art, I mean, it's nothing to write home about, but it's still 1000 times better than what you have in your usual western fetish games.
Plus it fortunately has custom music for most areas, so that's a bonus.
(The side mission video above is one of the few exceptions with its 028-Town06
But as I said in the beginning, I haven't noticed MIDI playback doesn't work until I finished the game, and all standard RPG Maker BGM is MIDI, so I might be a bit skewed here.)
In overall, despite the shortcomings, this is a surprisingly decent game, given the circumstances. I'm not sure whether the lack of any 18+ content is an advantage or a disadvantage here, there have been many places where I'd enjoy a bit more fanservice or even some light H content, but given that it's a western game, there's a 90% chance that it would ruin the game (the ending only broke the ending of the game, while badly executed H could ruin the whole game), so maybe it's better this way.
Didnapper 2?#
I know they released Didnapper 2 at the end of 2021, but if the project history (Fandom) of Didnapper 1 is any indication, I don't think there will be any point in checking out Didnapper 2 in the next 5-10 years. Plus there's no Suki, and it's no longer free, so it'd be a bit more hassle to get...