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Dohna Dohna / ドーナドーナ
Created: 1608489746 (2020-12-20T18:42:26Z), Updated: 1660938295 (2022-08-19T19:44:55Z), 2391 words, ~10 minutes
Tags: review, japanese, alice soft, eroge, vn
This is an old review rant about Dohna Dohna I posted to some random
imageboard with zero editing, because I don't want to spend more time dealing
with this dumpster fire.
I think I'm going to write some review like thing after I played some with the released dohna dohna, sorry for the blogpost in advance.
Currently I'm like 43 hours and 272k moonrunes in somewhere in chapter 14 and I still have no freaking idea when will this end, but anyway. (Oh and factor in that I suck at nip so I spend a lot of time looking up words).
Story wise, you're Kuma, a workaholic and a member of the Nayuta clan, who are kidnapping girls and force them into prostitution to overthrow the Asougi Corp controlling the city. Or something like that, trying to look good when you're not exactly good. Somewhere I read that in this game you'll have to work for H scenes, and it's kinda true, the game won't give them for free (there are 96 H scenes if I can trust the gallery, but so far there have been 4 H scenes that are part of the main story, and the last two... well, it's borderline NTR, one gang bang and one ejaculate 5 times in 7 minutes stamina, just in case you were hoping Nip people miraculously received good taste). But to be honest, this has it's own problems, there are nukiges where everything is sex and plot is just an excuse, now this is like an anti-nukige (does that category even exists?) where you have plot, and the occasional H scenes are just there to piss off moralfags. I mean, the optional scenes can't contribute to the story because they're optional, and the few not optional scenes don't matter much, you can even disable H scenes in options, you probably won't miss much story-wise. The story is told through the usual VN like system, without any fancy animation or Live2D or lip-sync or anything, H scenes are static CGs, but at the game is fully voiced except Kuma and narration. (Interestingly, Kuma has voice during battles...) I would not comment about story-telling, there were a few inconsistencies and discontinuations, but it's possible that I simply misunderstood something, so take that with a grain of salt.
Besides the VN segments, the game is divided into 3 parts, the hideout, haruuri, hitokari (headhunting).
In the hideout you can manage your bitches and team members, but stuff at the shop and the likes. You can also, I don't know, socialize? with one member (selectable from 3), you can get item or feels points for that. When you reach n times 1000 feel points, you can watch an event (in case of girls, usually ero) then the character will level up. At the end of the day, you can go either to haruuri or headhunting.
In headhunting you have to navigate through a dungeon (that looks like a subway map by the way), and fight enemies and pick up some random items. You can't go backwards. Also sometimes you can find girls that you can kidnap. That's the basic.
The fight itself is turn based, your and your enemies characters come in a seemingly random order, when it's your turn you can move your character forward/backward then attack/use a item/switch character. Each attack has a distance, some attack only works on the character just on front of you, some allow to attack characters behind. You generally have 3 stats, HP (if it goes to 0 you die, duh), MP and VP/Voltage. Each attack requires MP, but you can go into negative, but doing that will grant you various penalties. You start from 100 and I think the minimum is value is -120, but if you reach this your attack will be practically worthless. Voltage generally starts from 0 and increases when you deal damage or you take damage, and when you have a full VP bar you can unleash some extra powerful attacks (provided you unlocked it by raising your feels level high enough) that will use all your VP (and FPS). Pretty basic but works well. Now the problem is that there is no skip option, when it's your turn you must do something. Other than wanting to save MP in some cases, this is most annoying when you want to capture a girl: when you step on a girl in the dungeon, you enter a battle where a girl will be one of the "enemies". She'll have 10 HP so any attack will instakill her. Now, to capture her, you have to defeat her last (more precisely, during your last attack, if you use some AOE attack). Now the problem is that there are some characters that can only attack directly in front of them, and sometimes the girl ends up being the first in line... Fortunately later as your characters level up and gain other attacks plus your party increases it becomes less of a problem because you can just switch to someone else, but can be annoying at the beginning of the game.
Now that you captured a girl, what? Next day she'll show up in the garage and you can employ her as a bitch (jinzai ingame) provided you have free space, then go on a haruuri to serve customers for money. Now haruuri is NOT turn based, you have a row of customers and some time to choose a bitch, while you compete against the two rival clans, no skip option here either. Now some mechanics description:
Each girl has 3 (4) stats: DEF (marked by a pill, green=ok, yellow=small chance of getting pregnant, red=high chance of getting pregnant; a bitch becomes practically useless if she becomes pregnant), and the 3 normal: Looks, Technic and Mental, with ranks of D, D+, C, C+, ..., A+, S, S+. Also they have 0-3 traits, like huge breasts, forward-looking and whatever. When you go to haruuri, customers have only one stat: Income, optionally a present (increase/decrease one of the girl's stat or give her a new trait), and 0-3 traits they're looking for. During haruuri, you and your rival clans each select a bitch, and customers generally go to the one with the highest looks rating (in case of tie, random). Now, if you have a matching trait it works like a bonus to the LKS, so if you have LKS B+, while the competition has A, customer would go to there. But if you have a matching traits but the competition not, they'll go to you. (I think it just adds 2 to your rank, so your B+ becomes A+ internally, and if you have B instead, you end up with A and random choice.) You don't have to remember all this though, the game helpfully display a circle above the girl when she will win, triangle->maybe, cross->no way.
So your girl got a customer, what now? You will receive money, depending on your technique and the customer's income, and the girls stat will change.
So you need good looks because otherwise you won't get customers (it's like impossible to get any customers under LKS B in the second part of the game). You also want high TEC for money making, But what about MEN? As far as I can tell it doesn't influence anything, BUT if it reaches 0, your bitch becomes mindbroken and useless. So you want to keep it on some sane level.
So far so good. Now comes the bad part. I mentioned that after an encounter a girl's stats changes, but how? It depends on the traits and maybe some random, but it generally looks like: LKS small decrease, TEC increase, MEN huge decrease (1100 is normal, where 1000 is a full rank). This means, unless you want to throw away the girl after two use, you have to do something with that MEN and looks stat. TEC is not that important, they level up that pretty much by themselves.
What can you do with the girls? 3 things: give her items, talk to them, and fuck them. Talking to them will increase one stat by a miniscule amount (something between 1 and 200 usually), and fucking them has pretty much the same effect as a client fucking her, except the monetary reward. Oh and each of them require one TP (except giving multiple items to the same girl), and initially you have 3 TP each day. So items is the only sane way, you would think.
Now how do you get items? You can get one random item from one member, if the RNG gave you that option. You can also go head hunting, and get some random items from the dungeon. And you can also go to the shop, where you can buy... of course, you guessed right, the items the RNG gave you that day. Oh, and you can only buy one piece of each item each day. And usually you have a bunch of TEC increasing items which are practically useless, some looks increasing, and every other day you might find a single MEN increasing item. Fantastic, isn't it?
Now, I get it, you're the bad guy, the intention is that you're the bad guy, you just kidnap girls, use them until they break, then discard them... except it doesn't work that way. 90% of the girls you pick up in dungeons doesn't have high enough looks to get a single match, and if by some miracle you happen to find a good looking girl, they will have absymal TEC/MEN stats. It actually pays to have girls with S+ looks/TEC and sane MEN, but it's extremely tedious. I've done like 5 times more head hunting that haruuri waiting for the shop to restock items to keep my bitches good looking and sane, just to get some money so I can buy items to keep them good loking and sane. This way I didn't make too much money, but in reality you don't have to make much money either, because you can't buy anything in this fucking communist utopia of economy. To be honest, if not for the huge amount of H scenes that you can get from doing haruuri, I would just say to skip this altogether when not required by the story. Also, I initially underestimated the talk option, buy a few TP upgrades, and even though it's a random, you have like 1/3 chance of it increasing the MEN stat, sometimes it's faster to talk to the same girl a bunch of times than waiting for that fucking shop to restock anything. Save scumming is possible but painful.
But wait, it gets worse! (Spoiler, not because story spoiler, but mechanic that you don't have at first). Later the game that huge bitch that runs the shop tells you that there's a new way to make money from selling the sluts directly to some rich men. You get a list of requirements, a few days, and if you deliver a girl matching the requirements, you get a huge lump of money. Sound good, right? Now, the requirements itself are a 5 point list, 3 requirements for each stats (minimum or maximum, some clients love ugly or inexperienced or almost mindbroken bitches, it looks like) and 2 traits. Now, I already mentioned how hard is to manipulate stats, getting a girl that have those two traits is also pure RNG luck (unless you want to savescum for hours), so it's like you have a girl that matches the requirements or almost matches and can be fixed in 4-5 days, or not. Fortunately, you don't have to pass all requirements, you will just get less money in this case. But what if you really don't have anyone to send, because like it wants C or worse looks, S+ TEC and D MEN (so she'll instantly become mindbroken) with two random traits that none of your girls has? Just skip it and don't send anyone? Wrong goyim, if you do that, the event still triggers, and the girl that you didn't send will pass 0 of the requirements, and your reward is -600k yen. Yes, minus six hundred thousand fucking ingame pseudoyen coins. Sending a 5/5 girl will get you +500k, on normal haruuri a single girl will get something like 60k at maximum, just for comparison. If you don't want to go into negative, you have to send a girl with at least 2/5 requirements. This one thing alone almost made me ragequit the whole game. I hope whoever came up with this fucking idea will die trying to give birth to an adult hedgehog, I'm sure hell already has a place prepared for them. The only good thing is that your balance can't go into negative, so if you really can't do anything just go to the shop and buy everything you can, then watch as your balance becomes zero. I've done it a few times.
That's for now, I'm going to take a short break from this game, mostly to prevent frying my brain, but I'm also sure it'll still throw a few unpleasant surprises at me as I approach the end of the game...
About 1.5 years later I wrote a mini review at vndb:
It has great art, the graphic style is really nice, but that's about the only positive thing I can say about this VN. H-scenes would be alright, if it weren't for Alice "we have to shove NTR into everything" Soft. The prostitution manager part is boring and sucks, the fighting parts is like if any party is 2 levels higher than the other, it's a guaranteed win, and you can only use 4 members at a time, so have fun leveling them out. The story is paper thin, you're fighting against some evil corporation, but why is it evil you have to figure out from contextual clues (and it's more about your rival gangs anyway), and the ending is plain rushed and very quite grindy if you want to get them all. In short get a CG dump and look at it, it's a better investment of your time than playing this game.
And with that I'm done with this game. If you want a more useful review, I suggest reading quof's one, he's mostly right.