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Created: 1650067200 (2022-04-16T00:00:00Z), Updated: 1667076271 (2022-10-29T20:44:31Z), 4222 words, ~18 minutes
Originally published on vndb
I registered an account here just to post this review. This game was a real roller-coaster for me, ping-ponging between this is a complete garbage and this is a fucking good game. Unfortunately, I think it's impossible to write a review of euphoria without spoilers, I tried to keep them to a minimum, but the reality is that just mentioning that certain things exist is already a spoiler, so be careful.
You're playing a guy named Keisuke, who wakes up in a white room, having no memory of how he ended up there, and there's a door in front of him. It shortly unlocks, then you can choose whether Keisuke should go through it or stay in his current room. Choose the latter, and soon poisonous gas will be released, killing him. Congratulations, you just made the only sane choice in the whole game, I hope you enjoyed all 5 minutes of your gameplay. Otherwise, he'll be forced to participate (and you'll be forced to watch) in that game where he has to dick the heroines to earn their freedom from all those white rooms (but hey, at least they didn't have to work too hard to draw all those different environments the game takes place in!)
To set the scene, here is a video from pretty early in the game:
So now that you know what to expect from the game, let's start with the
H-scenes. The game is infamous for having a lot of disturbing and brutal scenes,
but what's in actually? Well, there are the bad scenes. You have about 7 scat
scenes in the game, you can skip two if you don't care about getting all
endings, but you have to watch the rest if you want to get the true ending (and
you want that). The problem is, it actually doesn't work that way, it's like
when some wannabe edgelord tries so hard, that it actually overflows and you end
up with a big nothing. It's just too surreal, your brain switches off and just
tells you, "yeah, it's shit, then what?" Yes, they can make you feel bad, but to
do that you have to knowingly cooperate, because otherwise it's just some
rambling a schizo wrote on some anonymous imageboard, you don't have to give a
flying fuck about it.
Now, there are some good scenes, too. Rinne and Rika has a few good scenes,
Kanae also has one or two, but that's about it. Nemu is so fucking annoying,
that even if you have a 10/10 scene, if you just add her in the background
without her doing anything, you already botched the scene down to 2/10. If she
does anything, then its negative infinity (and beyond). What's the rest? Light
BDSM or borderline vanilla. Come on man, this was supposed to be a disgusting
brutal VN, not some vanilla hand-holding, love the world and don't hurt anyone
kind of game. If I say this is a tame game, I already overexaggerated it. Add to
this that H-scenes are overly long in my opinion, you'll find too much filler in
them, and sometimes you'll literally have nothing but moans for like 5 screens
or more (and you can also listen to the earraping voice acting if you didn't
turn off the audio). H-scenes are easily the worst part of the game, which
doesn't bode well when you have an eroge that supposedly be about how far your
MC can go in sexual deviations.
Then you have gore, but apart from one scene that almost made me sick (but
probably not for the reason you think), is even tamer than the sex parts, and
they're all pretty brief, some gore scenes are literally only shown for you a
second, they're automatically advanced without user interaction, and you have to
go to the CG gallery if you want to actually take a good look at them. (Not that
there's much to look at.)
Now, about that scene that made me sick, there's a point in one route, where
Keisuke has to cut up the stomach of one of the girls. Finally, the game is
going to describe all the gruesome details of how he takes the scalpel, opens
the stomach, blood everywhere, feeling the slimy texture of the warm intestines,
the heart in his hand while it's still beating, check the ovaries, maybe there's
an egg that he fertilized a few days before, how does it feel to abort his own
child, and the likes. Well, that was my expectation, the reality?
Graphically just a black screen, then at the end a picture of the said girl
with a blanket on top of her, slightly covered in blood. Really? That's what you
call disgusting? You couldn't include more explicit description while still
keeping the 13+ rating, or what the fuck is your fucking problem?! Literally
shitting in someone else's mouth and having her eat it is alright, but at the
slightest sign of some blood, you run and cling to your mother's skirt? Even GTA
3 has more gore than this, when you pop their head, and they fuck around for a
while you have a blood fountain coming from their neck. Why, why, WHY!?! This is
how it should have look like, not a black screen, for fuck's sake:
Onto the story. Keisuke is an unlocker who has to unlock the keyholes, but it's just a euphemism for violating them. You have 5 turns, 5 girls, that's 5^5=3125 possible choices, except you only have 5 real routes. You have to choose the same girl every time, otherwise you'll end up on a generic route, which means that the game turns into a nukige, and you'll get a very short generic ending (which, to be honest, doesn't look too bad, until you see the others). And with this we already at my first gripe, the early branching plot. Basically the moment you select the first girl (and it's very early in the game), you selected your route. Of course, they didn't write 5 different VNs and packaged them into one, so there will be a lot of shared segments between the routes. Here you have two options, and neither is too good: you either re-read all those wall of texts you already read, or you skip over them (fortunately the game has read text marking, so you can do that easily), but then you'll end up in the middle of a scene, and you will be as confused as Keisuke when he first woke up in the white room. It doesn't help when in the middle of a long scene there's literally a single line that's different between routes (yes, you really had to change that one line, it'll make the mood completely different, right?). And it's also easy to get lost what info was mentioned in the common part, and what only in a specific route you played before, and I've had multiple instances when I started wondering, "should Keisuke know X at this point of the story?" And the story can get pretty hairy in this game.
No matter which route you're on (except the generic route), the unlocking game
takes the following general structure: 2 turns, bonus game, night, 2 turns,
bonus game, night in the VIP room, one turn. You have two turns to torment
the girls, then comes the bonus game, which is much lighter, almost vanilla, and
the roles are reserved. This would create a pleasant rhythm, Keisuke is a cruel
beast for two turns, then the bonus round to calm down and heal your (and
Keisuke's) heart, then repeat—or at least I think this was the intention. As I
already mentioned, even the supposed to be cruel turns are mostly tame, so what
you really have is two slightly less tame turns, then a bit more tame turn, and
Let me talk about the character you're playing, Keisuke. From the outside he's a
kind person who cares deeply about his childhood friend, but in the inside he's
a sadist beast who wants to see everyone suffer, which he tries his best to
hide. Well, it's in the description of the game, this is what he's supposed to
look like, but based on his in-game actions, I can hardly believe this. I mean,
he's constantly whining about how cruel this game is, how he wants to go back to
his own normal life, how he wants to save and protect everyone. Despite how he
enjoyed the classrep's execution and violating of the other heroines, he doesn't
want any of this to happen. He never initiates in the whole game (okay, maybe he
does in one specific, half-joke ending, but that's all), when someone doesn't
force him to be cruel, he'll be the most timid person you ever met. Yes, he
sometimes thinks about how he wants to violate X, but until the game actually
forces him to violate X, he won't do a single thing. It's like asking someone to
do something they really love, and the answer is, "must I really do?" I just
don't know what to do with this man. Okay, he doesn't want to hurt innocent
people, but consensual BDSM is a thing, and there are characters in the game who
would be happy to partake in it, even if maybe in a slightly toned down version.
He just does this so Kanae won't figure out his secret. Kanae, who's portrayed
as a childhood friend, who would even love he if she'd figure out that he is a
pedophile nazi cannibal and convicted serial killer who also stole 12 million
dollars from funds meant to help starving children in Africa. It just doesn't
add up. (I mean, I have a theory based on the true ending, but that would
require me dumping 5 metric fucktons of spoilers here, so I won't do it.)
One last trivia (and a slight spoiler), before I move on to the other heroines and their routes. You completed the 5 turns, unlocked the exit, it's the end of the game? Wrong, you're totally wrong. It's just the beginning, there comes the second part of the game. If you thought the situation is bad, just wait and see what's coming at you. This was just a warmup. Sex takes a back seat (which is actually a favorable condition, given how bad the H-scenes are in this game), the psychological horror part takes precedence, and the mystery parts get cranked up to level eleven. This is where the game starts playing with you.
The characters: here I'll go through the 5 heroines and their routes. Obviously even more spoilers ahead, if you don't want to read them, I'll just leave you a small note: leave Nemu and Kanae last, and don't do what I did (doing Nemu first).
Teacher: a kind and caring person who wants to save everyone, she wants to cheer up troubled people, when there's some tension between the characters, she wants to solve it peacefully, and she looks at Keisuke as a victim, not as a predator. Well, once you get over the fact your MC is fucking his own fucking teacher, this is probably the tamest route in the game (the most "brutal" scene here is fucking the teacher while she's menstruating), and also probably the most useless. I think this is also the shortest one, and other than giving some vague hints about the other routes (and an ending, that's indecipherable without seeing another one), there's not much in it. (She plays a more important rule in some other routers, but her own route is rather insignificant.) Unless you like MILFs or you want to 100% the game, you can safely skip her route, you won't lose much.
Rika: your stock spoiled child character. She thinks that she can earn anything by just being cute, and it mostly works for her in the game... except here. When the question is to submit or die, Keisuke doesn't take no as an answer. And whatever follows, it's just plain beautiful. In the first turn, her limbs are bound to the bottom of a container, which is filled with water, so she can barely breathe, and Keisuke goes to take her virginity in this state. It's just perfect, as she tries to cry for help, but she can only really babble, now matter how much she cries or writhe, it doesn't change anything. There's even a point where Keisuke pushes her head back into the water, which pretty much makes her shut the fuck up. This is how a sadist character treats the other, not the endless pondering over how bad his actions were and how he doesn't want to hurt anyone and similar nonsense, that you have in the other routes. The other heroines in this game are either fucking masochists or they try very hard to put up a "nothing happened" face, hiding whatever they feel. An extreme version of 仕方がない (it can't be helped), I think. But Rika is not. She's happy to voice her discontent, how she hates Keisuke, and to put a crown on her own arrogance, how should Keisuke choose anyone but her. Breaking a character like her is the best thing since sliced bread, her cries and plead for help is music to my ears... And (expect that one specific ending), this is the only place where Keisuke really shows his cruel side. It's telling that he's only cruel to the single character who's obviously too weak to put up any kind of resistance. Finally, a character I can relate to. Unfortunately, while this route has a great start, the game can't really keep it up. She has a huge character development in the second part of the game, but 1) it's so great that you can hardly believe it, severely damaging the willing suspension of disbelief, and 2) completely absent from the other routes, making it completely useless. Similar to the teacher's route, whatever happens in this route doesn't really affect the grand scheme of things other than foreshadowing a few details, so you can also skip this too without losing much.
Rinne: this is where things get interesting. At first, she's a quiet and reserved girl, but you'll soon realize that Kesiuke is a completely normal human being compared to this... thing? She says weird things, she has weird hallucinations, she somewhy thinks that she deserved the punishment she receives (with an almost religious zeal). This is the route where you're going to see the real dark side of the game, where she begs for cruel treatment (her last three turns are really good here), and of course Keisuke would be stupid to not comply (he whines here and there, but I stopped caring about his snowflake feeling by the time I got here). Then comes the second part. Oh, well. First thing, the second part of Rinne's route were written by a different author than the rest of the game. You'll likely notice the difference in the narration, I can't really tell you exactly why, but I somehow felt Izumi's writing style more approachable, a bit more relatable, despite the story going batshit crazy. If you've played any other route before, you'll have an idea of what is going to happen in this route, but no, it's actually much worse. The unlocking games looks like a normal Sunday activity compared to this. It turns out Rinne is the insane leader of a sex-crazy religious cult obsessed about self-harm, and you can probably figure out the rest. I lost count of how many times I told myself, "run, Forest... er, I, mean, Keisuke, run while you can, away from this crazy woman!" Unlike the previous two girls, she has actually two endings (if we don't count game over-like bad ends). This is also a "what if" route, but this time at least you'll learn a lot about Rinne and her background, and without that understanding parts of the true end would be difficult, so I don't recommend skipping her route. Even knowing that playing her route might turn you insane.
Nemu: well, we're finally here. The perfect girl, completely out of
Keisuke's league, so he barely knows anything about her. Yet she somehow seems
to know a lot about him. She quickly figures out his secret, and use that to
blackmail him. So what we have in her route? First, it will feel like the writer
tried to write the most insufferable character possible, the most annoying brat
that you'd want to kill at the first possibility. She manages to beat Keisuke
into submission in no time, she's in control the whole time, the only resistance
Keisuke manages to muster out is repeating "no" in his head. And pondering about
how he wants to beat Nemu into submission, but he's too much of a beta to
actually do anything. And Nemu just constantly laughs in his face, clearly
enjoying the whole situation. From the outside it looks like Keisuke torments
Nemu, but in reality it's the reverse. I really don't know how did I manage to
complete her route without stabbing my monitor with some sharp tool. She's that
fucking annoying. Anyway, back to Keisuke, he didn't to anything, even when he
had the chance (like the night in the VIP room). I really expected a "can I
hurt you, Mistress?" line from him on this route. After the game spent some time
about building up the most negative image possible about Nemu, and how out MC
hates her and have nightmares about her and whatever, comes a section where he
could get her killed without batting an eye. He even explicitly mentions that
there are no fucking reason to save her. And what happens? Of course, he saves
her in the last second, hurting himself in the process. (Now, there's a fucking
good reason for this, that you're only going to find out much later, but it
still doesn't justify Keisuke's actions).
Then comes the second part of her route. Just as in Rinne's case, everything
ends up being exaggerated, the world is upside-down, she ends up as an evil
tyrant that allows her followers to rape whatever women they want, and you'll
read for hours horrible of a person she is (if you played other routes first,
you already know most of this though) and how good is to be her plaything
(because Keisuke barely does anything here, he's just going with the crowd like
he always did). The game tries to portrait him and Kanae as the only two sane
people remaining in this world. Anyway, the good thing about her route is that
you're going to learn a lot about the world of the game and your whole
situation, but in reality it's just the true ending cut short, so you wouldn't
really have a reason to complete this route either, if it weren't for the fact
that completing this route is the requirement to unlock Kanae.
Kanae: you did it bastard, you earned Kanae's route, you're going to watch how he rapes and hurts his pure, kind childhood friend, who he treated as a family. My expectations: he's either going to have a complete mental breakdown because of his actions, or realize that there's no point in hiding his inner feelings anymore and goes all out. The reality? Well, you get 4 turns and 2 bonus games and one night of full vanilla hand-holding lovely-dovely gentle sex (sometimes not even sex). Why, why, what the fuck were you thinking again, stupid authors?! Even Keisuke himself comments multiple times that he expected worse. A complete disappointment, considering that at this point you've completed Nemu's route, and you know that she's behind this game. It was supposed to be the most painful route in the game, where you won't be able to stop crying for hours, come on! Sigh, so anyway, the only thing here happens is that the pair's status gets upgraded from childhood friends to lovers, and Kanae saying some lightly disturbing things. Now, the fifth turn is somewhat brutal, but they're such lovebirds at this point, that it barely matters, an Kanae already developed some masochistic tendencies by this time anyway. The second part of her route is the same as Nemu's one with some small variations, one new scene if you make the correct (or incorrect, depending on your viewpoint) choice. Oh, and that specific ending, called Brute ending if you see a walkthrough. It's probably my favorite ending in the game. It's the ending where Keisuke finally grows a spine, so much that it almost feels like he's acting out of character, and you'll have a quite surreal ending. But it's also awesome, where every bitch get what they deserve. (Absolutely get this before the true ending though.)
Then, I'll have to start a new paragraph, because here comes the true ending, starting where Nemu's route ended. Until now, the game was just playing with you, now it shits on your plate and makes you eat it. Repeatedly. Things will change. Things will never be the same. Expect some brutal twists in the story. Unfortunately I don't know what can I write about this, this is where the story will start to make sense, you learn Rinne's and the teacher's background, the world you live in, and more. The game has many flaws, but this one ending is enough for me to forgive most of it. Yes, it's that good (unfortunately there's some pacing problems at the very end of the route, otherwise it's perfect). This is what puts the crown on the game. The rest is just a very overlong exposition, how to tell "Nemu is an evil person" in about 30k lines. And yes, I've seen that the actual ending is a bit polarizing here on VNDB, that it's a bit open-ended or cliffhanger, but for me that just means it's open for interpretation. And I like my interpretation because I'm an egoist bastard.
Graphics: don't expect me to write a proper review of this, my artistic taste is non-existing. With that in mind I found no apparent problems, it looks nice.
Music: same warning, but I think the BGM fits the game, and it doesn't even get that boring, despite you have 15 (mostly short) tracks for a pretty long game.
And that's the game in a nutshell. Yes, it has problems, and the good parts are the parts that you don't even think they exist based on the description, the story drags on for too long in many cases, but it has a good story. Just make sure you clear whatever misconceptions you might have of the game in your head before starting.
Uncensor: the English release of the game is uncesored, and a quick search
yielded zero results, so I made my own uncensor patch based on the English
release. Unfortunately, they also localized the CGs in two cases. One CG-set had
no H content so I left the Japanese version there, but the other one had
censoring, so I replaced it with the English version... so there will be a tiny
little bit of English text in the game, if you apply the patch. If you're
interested, writings on Rinnie's body.
It's available as a HDiffPatch file, so download and compile it first, then
get the uncensor patch. You should be able to apply it like this:
cd $path_to_euphoria_install
mv pac/cg.ypf pac/cg.ypf.orig
hpatchz pac/cg.ypf.orig $path_to/cg.hdiff pac/cg.ypf
Extra chatter for linux users: I played on wine, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 (yes,
I'm that slow that they released two new wine versions while playing). Except
video playback, it works fine without any tweaking. To get a working video
playback, I needed winetricks quartz ffdshow ddr=gdi
and disabling my
compositing manager (killall compton in my case) w/ nvidia GPU.
EDIT: Looks like I was wrong, TL;DR you need a wine
with gstreamer
32 bits gst-plugins-mpg123
, gst-plugins-bad
and maybe
. You don't need ffmpeg
or its metric fucktons of
dependencies. And this way you don't need quartz
or ddr=gdi
fucks up the performance, and also works with compositig, hooray. (Fun fact, the
opening movie uses mp2 audio, while the ending movies use mp3. And both use
mpeg1 video, like it's 1995.)
Anyway, this is what I added to /etc/portage/package.use, provided there are other people beside me insane enough to use gentoo, might require some adjustments based on your global use flags:
media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta -* X alsa mpeg mp3 abi_x86_32
media-libs/gstreamer -caps abi_x86_32
media-libs/gst-plugins-base abi_x86_32 -theora -vorbis
media-libs/gst-plugins-good abi_x86_32
dev-lang/orc abi_x86_32
media-libs/graphene abi_x86_32
media-libs/phonon -gstreamer
media-plugins/gst-plugins-mpeg2dec abi_x86_32
media-libs/libmpeg2 abi_x86_32
media-libs/gst-plugins-ugly abi_x86_32
media-libs/gst-plugins-bad abi_x86_32
media-plugins/gst-plugins-mpg123 abi_x86_32
Fortunately gst is mostly modular, so you can manually install other modules in pure 64-bit instead of depending on the meta package.