Warn­ing! Your devicePixelRatio is not 1 (or your brows­er doesn't CSS me­dia queries, in which case you can prob­a­bly ig­nore this warn­ing)! Since HTML is as brain­dead as it can get, cre­at­ing sites out­side of di­ver­si­ty hires cor­po­rate art sphere is damn near im­pos­si­ble, so this site is not re­al­ly op­ti­mized for HiDPI screens. Some im­ages might ap­pear blur­ry.


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Need for Speed II (Windows)

The Spe­cial Edi­tion of the sec­ond Need for Speed game (オーバードライビンII in Japan as usu­al), re­leased in 1997, one year af­ter the Spe­cial Edi­tion of the first game. Now, I tried this game a cou­ple of years ago, but I didn't get far that time, so this is my first time I'm try­ing it out for re­al. A huge step for­ward from the first game, I must say, but let's not get ahead of our­selves. Let's look at the in­tro video first, which for some weird rea­son, has small­er res­o­lu­tion than what NFS1 had (NFS1 was 320x240 with 320x192 for the in­ner part, while NFS2 has a pret­ty weird 304x224 res­o­lu­tion—but when played back ingame, it has a black bor­der around the video, prob­a­bly to pad it to 320x240, but I didn't ver­i­fy it). Al­so new year, so new EA lo­go, while the Pi­o­neer Pro­duc­tions lo­go went away.


Loudness normalization with FFmpeg

AKA 2024 up­dates

I was writ­ing a blog­post on NFS2 (to be pub­lished soon™), when I made the mis­take of open­ing one of the video files in Au­dac­i­ty with show clip­ping on—and oh my gosh, it was all red. Even the orig­i­nal record­ing was heav­i­ly clipped, and this prompt­ed me dig around—and so a mul­ti-day jour­ney be­gan.

First thing I did was switch obs-stu­dio to record float sam­ples in­stead if S16, so at least in my in­put videos sam­ples won't be clipped. I didn't re­do the old record­ings, they're still bro­ken and there's no fix­ing them, but at...


Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed (DOS)

It hap­pened. In 2024, I fi­nal­ly checked out the first NFS game from 1994, hav­ing the mouth­ful ti­tle of "Road & Track Presents: The Need For Speed," (known as Over Dri­vin in Japan, or the full ti­tle of ロード&トラックプレゼンツ:オーバードライビン) or more ex­act­ly the DOS ver­sion of the Spe­cial Edi­tion, re­leased in '96. (The Road & Track refers to some Amer­i­can car mag­a­zine EA col­lab­o­rat­ed with while cre­at­ing this game.) It al­so had a Win­dows ver­sion, but ac­cord­ing to PCGamingWiki, get­ting the Win­dows ver­sion to work is a PITA com­pared to the DOS ver­sion, and hon­est­ly I'd rather not mess around with wine for a half day again, so I just popped it in­to DOSBox-X.


Need for Speed 4: High Stakes (Windows)


First things first, I like NFS3 bet­ter than NFS4. The on­ly rea­son I start­ed to play with NFS4 re­cent­ly (and I'm just go­ing to re­fer to this game as NFS4, of­fi­cial­ly called Need for Speed: High Stakes in the Amer­i­c­as, Need for Speed: Road Chal­lenge in Eu­rope, Need for Speed : Con­duite en état de lib­erté in France, Need for Speed: Bren­nen­der As­phalt in Ger­many, オーバードライビンIV in Japan, and maybe un­der dif­fer­ent alias­es), be­cause I was a bit bored with NFS3's (of­fi­cial­ly Need for Speed III: Hot Pur­suit, ニード・フォー・スピードIII ホット・パースート or オーバードライビンIII in Japan, and what­ev­er else. Even the VN...


Love Room 301

I'm try­ing a new cat­e­go­ry, "mi­ni re­view", when I just want to say a few words about a game, with­out spend­ing months writ­ing a prop­er, full re­view. Don't ex­pect me to fit with­in VNDB's 200 char­ac­ter lim­it for mi­ni re­views, though.

Rj295766 img main

To­day's game is "Love Room 301", made by the world-fa­mous (not) cir­cle called "Bronze 5 Box". The sto­ry goes some­what like this: you and your girl­friend sexfriend goes to a love ho­tel that was mak­ing news late­ly, you some­how man­age to lock your­self in­to the room (not out), and you have to get out. Ba­si­cal­ly a room...


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