Warn­ing! Your devicePixelRatio is not 1 (or your brows­er doesn't CSS me­dia queries, in which case you can prob­a­bly ig­nore this warn­ing)! Since HTML is as brain­dead as it can get, cre­at­ing sites out­side of di­ver­si­ty hires cor­po­rate art sphere is damn near im­pos­si­ble, so this site is not re­al­ly op­ti­mized for HiDPI screens. Some im­ages might ap­pear blur­ry.


Warn­ing! This blog can con­tain 18+, NSFW, NSFL, etc con­tents. Get the fuck out, you filthy un­der­age.

2023 updates

I've made some changes to the blog, I'll try to sum­ma­rize it here for the grand to­tal ze­ro num­ber read­ers this blog has. This is go­ing to be tech­ni­cal, and most­ly a rant, so feel free to ig­nore this.

It all start­ed with me try­ing to write a new ar­ti­cle, when I want­ed to put time­codes in­to the text. For op­ti­mal us­age, it should be click­able, and the video should just jump to it, right? Un­for­tu­nate­ly I don't think that can be done with­out javascript (es­pe­cial­ly if you have two video, and you want to jump to the video that...




Here we go, a full game around the Damsel in Dis­tress trope. Or the more fetish for­mat of it. I didn't have to look fur­ther, I al­ready want­ed to try out this game. Ac­tu­al­ly, this game is some­where in be­tween, so don't ex­pect any hard­core bondage stuff. Or any 18+ stuff for that mat­ter, this game is com­plete­ly fam­i­ly friend­ly! De­spite this, it's not a bad game, but I'm get­ting ahead of my­self.

The game is for­tu­nate­ly free, so you don't have to search for it for hours on ob­scure hen­tai shar­ing sites, you just go to the more-or-less...


Upscaling things on X11

Sit­u­a­tion: you have some old game that on­ly runs at 320x240 or some­thing like that, and it looks very bad on your full-HD mon­i­tor. Or you were re­tard­ed enough to buy a meme 4k/8k mon­i­tor, and you can't run your game with ac­cept­able speed on your toast­er. Since I on­ly have a full-HD mon­i­tor, I will fo­cus on the first use­case, but there might be some use­ful here for the sec­ond use­case too.




I should re­al­ly stop do­ing this. One day I was look­ing at a ran­dom PC98 CG dump, and found some­thing that caught my at­ten­tion: LIBERTY (リバティー) from カクテルソフト (Cock­tail Soft). In ret­ro­spec­tive, I have no idea what was it, oth­er than how would an eroge break­out game look like. I got the game, then spent the next two days or so try­ing to run this thing. I mean, I just threw the .fdi file at NP2, and it worked, but there were a few prob­lems.
First, the game au­to ad­vances text, which is bad news for my crap­py nip knowl­edge...


Tasogare no Kyoukai / 黄昏の境界

Orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished on vndb


You're play­ing as 有賀 彰 (Ari­ga Aki­ra, change­able), who hav­ing born to trea­sure hunter par­ents, finds school bor­ing, and de­cides to sus­pend his stud­ies and look for a more in­ter­est­ing ac­tiv­i­ty. Two things:

  1. There's like three instances in the whole game where it uses furigana. None of it is for names. No voice acting either. But at least it looks like even native players have problem with names. So take every romanization with a grain of salt in this review (and probably in the character list on vndb too).
  2. The game is not super clear...

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