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Tasogare no Kyoukai / 黄昏の境界

Cre­at­ed: 1656979200 (2022-07-05T00:00:00Z), Up­dat­ed: 1663004000 (2022-09-12T17:33:20Z), 4086 words, ~17 min­utes

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Orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished on vndb

You're play­ing as 有賀 彰 (Ari­ga Aki­ra, change­able), who hav­ing born to trea­sure hunter par­ents, finds school bor­ing, and de­cides to sus­pend his stud­ies and look for a more in­ter­est­ing ac­tiv­i­ty. Two things:

  1. There's like three instances in the whole game where it uses furigana. None of it is for names. No voice acting either. But at least it looks like even native players have problem with names. So take every romanization with a grain of salt in this review (and probably in the character list on vndb too).
  2. The game is not super clear about it, but you can only change the protagonist's given name. So don't do what I did and enter 名無し (Nanashi) from reflex (btw the engine can't handle ASCII characters in player name, only moonrunes and maybe fullwidth chars...), because that way I ended up with the majestic name of 有賀 名無し (Ariga Nanashi). Ehm, whatever.

With that out of the way, let's start the game. You meet with イザナミ (Izana­mi), who first de­scribes what the trea­sure hunter guild does, then a few lines af­ter she just goes on how you're al­ready a pro in this field. Yes, as you know, but do it a bit bet­ter, damnit. Af­ter the short in­tro­duc­tion, you head to 神谷村 (Kamiya-mu­ra) lo­cat­ed in T県 (T pre­fec­ture), where a ru­in called 鬼ノ天戸遺跡 (I'm not even at­tempt­ing to ro­man­ize this) awaits you. 90% of the sto­ry takes place in this vil­lage, which I guess should be present-time fic­tion­al Japan­ese coun­try­side, but take note this game is from 97, so present-time=1997... Or that's what I'd like to say, but since no tech­no­log­i­cal in­no­va­tions are ever men­tioned, it could even take place even in the not so far past, since they def­i­nite­ly have CRT TVs. It's prob­a­bly not im­por­tant, and on­ly bugs my autis­tic brain.
The cov­er sto­ry is that there are some ru­ins there, and caves un­der­neath. A few months ago they sent an in­ves­ti­ga­tion group there, but on­ly a sin­gle per­son re­turned, with a 200-carat di­a­mond. Okay, I guess, this is what the trea­sure hunters are af­ter. Yet, the game quick­ly starts in­fo­dump­ing you about some de­mon's spir­it, which is al­so in this cave sys­tem, and you al­so hear about some bizarre, un­solved mur­der cas­es from a few years be­fore. And just as you ar­rive in the vil­lage, you meet the ry­oukan own­er's daugh­ter, and her friends, and they will in­stant­ly have a crush on you even if it's not ob­vi­ous at first. So, as you can ex­pect, you end up with a VN that tries to do every­thing, poor­ly, in a genre roulette. Com­pared to its (huge) scope it's al­so too short, so ex­pect many un­ex­plained de­tails, cut short scenes, and twists that doesn't make sense even af­ter fin­ish­ing the game. Like, the ti­tle, which could be trans­lat­ed as "Bound­ary of Twi­light" or "Bound­ary of Melan­choly", nei­ther makes much sense. Yes, there are a few sad scenes, but that's true for pret­ty much any non com­plete­ly com­e­dy work. Twi­light is men­tioned even less (the moon plays a some­what im­por­tant role though).



The game is (most­ly) di­vid­ed in­to days, where you get a world map (or more like vil­lage map), and you choose where to go, and each place has a few unique events each day, af­ter it will just re­peat the last event. Pret­ty stan­dard stuff. What you see above is the map ingame, but I've up­scaled it and over­laid the place names with nor­mal fonts, so it's more read­able than the orig­i­nal low pix­el-count one. Talk about too much autism...
Al­so, while there's one brief branch in the sto­ry (that takes about a day), oth­er­wise you on­ly have a sin­gle route, so what places you go to and what you skip (and the se­lec­tions you make) on­ly in­flu­ence what end­ing and ex­tra con­tent you get, but not the main sto­ry. Oh, and there are many choic­es in this game, so you can ex­pect a lot of Mean­ing­less Choic­es, but there are al­so a few ones where the ef­fect is on­ly vis­i­ble much lat­er in the sto­ry. There are a few scenes I have no freak­ing idea how you're sup­posed to find with­out us­ing a guide, and 100%ing the game with nor­mal means is fu­tile.

Apart from nor­mal VN el­e­ments, you have a dun­geon crawler minigame, com­plete with state-of-the-80's pseu­do 3D map dis­play. Un­like stan­dard dun­geon crawlers, you don't have traps or fight mon­sters, you on­ly have some ghosts/demons/what­ev­er ran­dom su­per­nat­ur­al be­ing from Japan­ese folk­lore that blocks your way. You have an eye shaped stone pick­up, with that you can get rid of some ghosts. You can treat the oth­er ghosts as walls. You can al­so pick up trea­sures, but all they do is un­lock­ing some side event, and there are some hid­den pas­sages. The bad thing is that you don't have a built-in map, so you'll have to ei­ther use some guide or do the map­ping for your­self. I did the lat­ter, it's fun for some time, and for­tu­nate­ly you don't have so many dun­geons in this game for it to tire you out.

DungeonJXL PNG

The an­noy­ing thing is that you have a min­imap, but as you spend time in the dun­geon, your lamp goes out of fu­el, and with that your min­imap be­comes small­er, un­til it dis­ap­pears com­plete­ly, at which point you can on­ly use the 3D view. (And if you don't get out of the dun­geon ASAP, your fu­el will go to 0 and you die be­cause in com­plete dark­ness mon­sters spawn that eat your guts.) Al­so, I don't know if this is a bug or fea­ture, but if you try to load a game while talk­ing to a mon­ster, you'll get a game over in­stead of load­ing your saveg­ame.

Be­low is a sam­ple of how this whole thing looks like in ac­tion, along with some VN seg­ments (this is when you know what are you do­ing, ex­pect a lot of tri­al and er­ror (most­ly the lat­ter) dur­ing your first time). There are some light spoil­ers af­ter 3:40, though.


As I men­tioned al­ready, this game is try­ing to do many things, ran­dom­ly men­tion­ing things and leav­ing a lot of de­tails un­ex­plained. A whole sur­vey group dis­ap­pears save for one per­son, and they don't even try to ques­tion him what hap­pened? They al­low him to con­tin­ue his in­ves­ti­ga­tion while he doesn't al­low any­one else ex­cept his bud­dies near? There's a se­r­i­al killer run­ning around, and they let one sin­gle stan­dard po­lice­man han­dle all the in­ves­ti­ga­tion while he al­so has to pa­trol the area and func­tion as a tourist in­for­ma­tion bu­reau? And don't get me start­ed on when the po­lice­man goes away and leaves some case files on his desk in an un­locked room. So in short, you have a lik­able and kind po­lice­man, who's ul­ti­mate­ly com­plete­ly use­less, and prob­a­bly has an IQ of around 80, i.e. no match for the crim­i­nal out there.
Back to the play­er, as a trea­sure hunter you're sup­posed to get some rel­ic and get the fuck out, right? Well, no, you'll stare at rocks, study doc­u­ments about an old leg­end about how to res­ur­rect some ex­treme­ly pow­er­ful de­mon, help a cute miko re­claim some man­u­scripts that were stolen from her, try­ing to fig­ure out what the ry­oukan own­er's is up to when she doesn't re­turn home on time and I don't know what else. Al­so, the game de­scrip­tion said this is a hor­ror game, and you have to in­ves­ti­gate a se­quence of mur­ders. Where's all this? In the sec­ond part of the game (I mean the mur­der part, the hor­ror part is very tame, if it ex­ists at all). You just have an over­ly long ex­po­si­tion.
Truth to be told, the game man­aged to catch me off guard when the first dead body fi­nal­ly ap­peared. Yes, this is a good point, but at what price? And of course af­ter the first death, peo­ple start drop­ping like flies, and fi­nal­ly we can un­roll the mys­tery. The trea­sure hunt­ing part takes a back­seat, and al­so this is the place when H scenes start ap­pear­ing, be­cause, uh, pri­or­i­ties?
But enough bash­ing, the un­der­ly­ing sto­ry about the an­cient curs­es and need­ing to sac­ri­fice cer­tain peo­ple to re­vive the oni and gain his pow­er, was some­what in­ter­est­ing and I think it can be en­joy­able if you're in­to this kind of stuff. For me, who has ze­ro in­ter­est in these kinds of pseu­do re­li­gious sto­ries, not ex­act­ly, and with­out that, the pure mur­der mys­tery parts are pret­ty thin. (Or not that pseu­do, I'm not an ex­pert of Japan­ese mythol­o­gy. But it al­so had a bit of Chris­tian­i­ty thrown in­to the mix for good mea­sure.)
I think that's all what I can write about the sto­ry with­out go­ing in­to spoil­ers. I've re­moved the screen­shot from vndb that spoiled a big chunk of endgame for me. There's a cheap trick at the end if you get one of the three main hero­ines good end. You have 3 good ends, 1 de­bat­able, and 2 bad ends I think, but they're just an ex­tra CG and a bunch of ex­tra lines. Plus two dif­fer­ent mu­sic, but I liked the bad end's mu­sic bet­ter than the good end's, I'm be­yond sal­va­tion I guess.



Yes, the H scenes. First, this game is not a Nukige, in fact it's pos­si­ble to fin­ish it with­out see­ing a sin­gle H scene (you won't get a good end­ing though, so I couldn't tag this game with On­ly Avoid­able Sex­u­al Con­tent). You have to go out your way to find most H scenes, and there are a few "read the walk­through" lev­el hid­den ones (like when you have to ac­tive­ly go against what the game tells you to do then next day vis­it a cer­tain lo­ca­tion 11 times and read the same gener­ic de­scrip­tion 10 times, then go to a sec­ond place... or the whole school/li­brary arc). The scenes can be sep­a­rat­ed in­to two groups, sex with the 3-4 main girls (雛姫/Hi­na­ki, まこと/Mako­to, 美夕/Miyu, and to some ex­tent メラニー/Melanie) and every­one else.

Let's start with the every­one else batch. They're... bad, there's no help­ing it. Ex­cept the li­brary ones, they're com­ing out of the blue, no buildup or any­thing. They al­so have the most mun­dane rea­sons you can ex­pect, like it were some kind of nukige where the pro­duc­er told the writer that he can't write more than five lines of sto­ry. You have the clas­sic go­ing in­to a room with a girl you bare­ly know, and she'll just drop her clothes, then the creepi­er case: you hear nois­es from a bath­room, so you go in­side:

"Go out"
"No. Just think I'm your dead hus­band"

Or my fa­vorite, "I need to give back the doc­u­ments you just gave me a few days ago, but to be able to do that, you have to fuck me". Se­ri­ous­ly?

Al­so the length. First, I'm not a fan of over­ly long H scenes, I'm very far from it, es­pe­cial­ly when all they con­tain is ear­rap­ing moans, or it goes in­to "prac­tice read­ing the あ let­ter" course, but this is the oth­er ex­treme. It's like read­ing an abridged ver­sion, they do the deed and it's gone, en­joy the 2-3 CGs and the 5 lines of text for each CG. But at least they're le­git dif­fer­ent CGs, not just mi­nor vari­a­tions. Plus, you have too many scenes where you're an on­look­er watch­ing oth­ers. For­tu­nate­ly no NTR, since you bare­ly have to do any­thing with these girls.

Then you have the main char­ac­ters, and they're the po­lar op­po­site. You have prop­er buildup, the length is just right—not over­long, not hasty, you al­so have a few choic­es dur­ing the act. My biggest prob­lem here is that you on­ly have one scene per girl. And if they could do these scenes right, why didn't they do the oth­er H scenes right?

日本語 / Nihongo#

(Let's try to write a sec­tion like this, al­though I can't promise I'll make a habit out of this.)
Ac­tu­al­ly, it was sim­pler than what I ex­pect­ed, es­pe­cial­ly giv­en that it should have "mys­tery" el­e­ments and re­li­gious shit. Yes, I had to look up a few words (most­ly from the re­li­gious and myth­i­cal ar­eas), but it's like 10 words or so re­peat­ed all over. And it throws a good chunk of it at you ear­ly in the game, so if you sur­vive the first 30 min­utes, you should be okay. It has oc­ca­sion­al ar­cha­ic speech, and some di­alec­tal speech, but that's all, every­thing else is pret­ty stan­dard. So while it prob­a­bly shouldn't be the first thing you try to read in Japan­ese, I'd say it's still one of the eas­i­er works you can try.


Aka the part I'm go­ing to ex­plode with rag­ing. Feel free to skip this part if you're not in­ter­est­ed in my ram­blings.
Ac­tu­al­ly this is the first time I'm play­ing a VN so old (97 was 25 years ago), and while I ex­pect­ed that some things will be dif­fer­ent, the end re­sult were... worse than what I ex­pect­ed. First, for­get qual­i­ty of life fea­tures, like back­log, read text mark­ing (and thus read text skip­ping) and save any­where. The lat­ter two is es­pe­cial­ly un­for­tu­nate, since this game has lots of op­tions, and if you want to 100% them, you'll have to re-do and re-read a lot of con­tent, since you have to go back to the last check­point every time. Ctrl key is your friend, and mem­o­riz­ing a good chunk of the dun­geon lay­out. It doesn't help that some­times a line or two changes in the mid­dle of a wall of text, you can eas­i­ly miss them. And by the way, you don't even have load any­where func­tion, you can on­ly load at choic­es or in the dun­geon: press the right mouse but­ton, it's not men­tioned any­where in the game. Un­til I fig­ured that out, I closed and restart­ed the game every time I want­ed to load a game...

Now, for the ug­ly part. I tried to run this game on Lin­ux in wine. It ac­tu­al­ly starts with­out prob­lem, you just have to cd to where you mount­ed the CD first, be­cause the game search­es for the da­ta files in your work­ing di­rec­to­ry (Win­dows users nev­er use the com­mand line). Even the CD au­dio works (use cde­mu if you lack a phys­i­cal CD dri­ve, iso files are not enough). But. There is a but. The in­tro is too fast (see video above), and the text is un­read­able. The first one was al­so men­tioned by some­one else, that part is prob­a­bly de­pend­ing on the CPU speed, for­tu­nate­ly doesn't af­fect rest of the game. But what about the font? I tried every font winet­ricks had, fakejapanese_ipamona gave the best re­sults, but it was still pret­ty bad. Okay, let's in­stall a Japan­ese Win­dows 98 in dos­box and let's see what it gives... still not my dream, but much bet­ter. Ac­tu­al­ly, the dos prompts had more read­able fonts, but I'm get­ting ahead of my­self. So I copied MSGOTHIC.TTC and MSMINCHO.TTC from win98 to wine... and still hor­ri­ble. Here are the screen­shots for a com­par­i­son, from left to right: run­ning un­der win98, wine de­fault font, wine with winetricks fakejapanese, wine with winetricks fakejapanese_ipamona, wine with winetricks fakejapanese_vlgothic, and fi­nal­ly wine with win98 fonts:

Win98JXL PNGWine defaultJXL PNGWine fakejapaneseJXL PNGWine ipamonaJXL PNGWine vlgothicJXL PNGWine win98JXL PNG

First I thought wine (or freetype) doesn't un­der­stand the bitmap fonts, and it in­stead ras­ter­izes the out­line fonts with hor­ri­ble qual­i­ty, but af­ter a lot of de­bug­ging I found out the prob­lem: this game re­quest a font with weight 700. 700 means bold. This font doesn't have a bold vari­ant. It looks like win98 in this case just ig­nores the font weight and gives you a nor­mal font. Not wine. Wine tries to be a smar­tass and "fakes" a bold font. Yeah, to­tal­ly gonna work at pix­el sizes like these. Al­so, who­ev­er wrote the game en­gine re­al­ly want­ed a bold font, so the game ac­tu­al­ly draws each char­ac­ter three times, with one pix­el off­sets. And you end up with dou­ble bold­ing, and text that's fuck­ing un­read­able. First I patched wine to not do this fake bold­ing, but lat­er it be­came ap­par­ent that I have to patch the game.
I didn't like the ex­tra bold­ing this game tries to do. You have 640x400 pix­els and no an­tialias­ing, be grate­ful that you can dis­play your fuck­ing 24 stroke abom­i­na­tions, and you don't have to re­sort to katakana on­ly script FFS, don't chal­lenge the im­pos­si­ble. Al­so, the ver­ti­cal align­ment is com­plete­ly bro­ken (wat is base­line lol), but you won't no­tice it be­cause MS Goth­ic has equal­ly bro­ken met­rics (well, at least un­der wine, be­cause on win­dows it's al­so bro­ken....), and add two bro­ken things to­geth­er, and you'll end up with some­thing cor­rect, right? (Wrong, oth­er­wise Win­dows 10 would be the best OS ever made). I guess at this point I was be­yond sav­ing, and I al­ready stared too much at the game in ghidra, so I just patched the exe and went for­ward.

Start the game, and wine will cre­ate a 642x402 pix­el win­dow. No, not 640x400, but 642x402. Why do I care about those two pix­els? I have 1920x1200 mon­i­tors, and 1920/3=640 and 1200/3=400, which means it would be a per­fect 3x in­te­ger scale, if the win­dow would be 640x400 and not fuck­ing 642x402. The game some­why re­quires an ex­tra edge, which means the win­dow will have thick­er edges than nor­mal win­dows, and this caus­es wine to add an ex­tra one pix­el bor­der around the win­dow, even when I tell it to not draw any bor­ders. But for­tu­nate­ly this is al­so bug­gy on Win­dows, just look at the screen­shots, the ex­tra bor­der you see (slight­ly in­con­sis­tent­ly cropped) are there be­cause Win­dows is a bug­gy piece of shit, and in­stead of giv­ing you a 640x400 win­dow, it gives you a 638x398 win­dow with weird geom­e­try (0,0 will be out­side the win­dow, 1,1 will be the top left cor­ner). This way, the game is in­ter­nal­ly run­ning it 640x400, but it's dis­play­ing at 638x398. Maybe I should go and "fix" the re­lease to spec­i­fy 638x398 as a res­o­lu­tion, be­cause you can't get 640x400 res­o­lu­tion with­out patch­ing the game, or Win­dows. And I thought it can't get worse.

Any­way, af­ter fix­ing these two bugs (I didn't care too much about the in­tro, the linked blog en­try has a tran­scrip­tion of it, and fix­ing an en­gine that de­pends on CPU speed to not de­pend on CPU speed is not a sim­ple task), I could fi­nal­ly start play­ing the game, us­ing Tex­trac­tor to get a per­ma­nent back­log (use hook code HS932#-8@401947 to get on­ly VN text and not every char­ac­ter dis­played any­where on the screen). I've checked every nook and cor­ner every day to not miss any­thing... and of course I got a bad end­ing. Let's retry, now I'm be­ing a prick who doesn't give a shit about any­thing, get the same bad end­ing. Grr. I could have tried play­ing tri­al-and-er­ror for a long time, but that looked hope­less; I could check out some walk­through, but nah, that's too easy (and play­ers of that time didn't re­al­ly have in­ter­net to look things up, and I want­ed to be some­what re­al­is­tic. Not that us­ing Ghidra, ini­tial­ly re­leased 2019 is re­al­is­tic. There was IDA, if you were a rich boy). In­stead, I went and re­verse en­gi­neered the VM for­mat this game us­es. Then I wrote a tool to dump that com­piled bi­na­ries to some more hu­man-read­able for­mat. Then I could start fig­ur­ing out what vari­ables mean what and what to do to reach parts I haven't read pre­vi­ous­ly. But I've soon re­al­ized that there are many un­reach­able scenes/lines, so I changed my goal to ei­ther watch every line, or prove that said line is un­reach­able. And with that I get all end­ings. Turns out I se­lect­ed the wrong choice every time. Maybe I didn't re­al­ize that this isn't eu­pho­ria where you have to rape the same girl 5 times to win their heart. Oops. Any­way, I al­so got the oth­er H scenes, and every­thing else. Prob­a­bly a com­plete waste of time. But at least I can say that I re­al­ly 100%d this game. It's pos­si­ble that no-one else did this be­fore.

I lost count of how many bugs I found dur­ing this whole or­deal. There are scenes that are un­reach­able, not be­cause they're cut con­tents, but be­cause of bugs in the script or VN. What­ev­er tool they used to com­pile their scripts were al­so bug­gy and some­times gen­er­at­ed in­valid byte­code, but no prob­lem, since the VM ig­nores in­valid byte­code, it just werks™. Se­ri­ous­ly what. In the dun­geon, your lamp ac­tu­al­ly has half the fu­el the de­vel­op­ers in­tend­ed (the fu­el is ini­tial­ized to -2 + 126 + 126 = 250, but it doesn't make sense, it's more like­ly they want­ed to treat the first -2 as un­signed and ini­tial­ize to 254 + 126 + 126 = 506, which makes much more sense, since you have events when your fu­el lev­el reach­es 400 and 300. They're now ba­si­cal­ly dead code). I al­so re­al­ized why do I have save games made at 30:12:38 and oth­er mar­t­ian times:

write_time_tm = _gmtime((time_t *)&file_stats.last_write_time_0xc);
_sprintf(saveinfo_str,"%2d   %04d/%02d/%02d  %02d:%02d:%02d",save_i,
         write_time_tm->tm_year + 1900,write_time_tm->tm_mon + 1,write_time_tm->tm_mday,
         write_time_tm->tm_hour + 9,write_time_tm->tm_min,write_time_tm->tm_sec);

(Here's a ghidra screen­shot (JXL, PNG), if you don't be­lieve it.) Yes, some­one hasn't heard of the localtime func­tion, so they just tried to add 9 hours (Japan's time­zone dif­fer­ence to UTC). You could add 9*60*60 to the gm­time ar­gu­ment in­stead of this abom­i­na­tion, and that would on­ly make a moral­ly bro­ken code, but at least it would have worked cor­rect­ly in­side Japan. Yes, you don't have to re­al­ize that there's some­thing at the oth­er side of the great pud­dle around you, it's bro­ken even in Japan be­tween mid­night and 9 o'clock, even if we sup­pose they will nev­er change time zone. I guess they nev­er tried to save in said time range, be­cause good boys and girls are sleep­ing at that time...
If you 100% the game and go to the gallery, it will tell you have 19 un­viewed CGs. Wat? Let's check the code... there are 72 CGs in the CG view­er, and up­on re­turn­ing it re­ports 88 - num­ber_of_viewed_cgs as un­viewed. But hey, that would mean 16 un­viewed CGs, not? Let's see what else we have. The first CG you see (ry­oukan room) is ac­tu­al­ly nev­er un­locked, it's just that the CG view­er is al­so bug­gy and will show it to you even if you don't have it un­locked => 17. The loop that cal­cu­lates how many CGs you un­locked has an off-by-one er­ror, and it won't count the last CG => 18. And the en­gine doesn't au­to­mat­i­cal­ly reg­is­ter viewed CGs, it has to be done man­u­al­ly by the script, and guess what? They for­got to do it once, hence the 19 un­viewed CGs. The game ac­tu­al­ly has a con­grat­u­la­tions mes­sage if you get all CGs, but you can't get them even if you ed­it your fuck­ing save-file. Was this thing ever play test­ed?

The en­gine al­so leaks GDI re­sources. I've seen one func­tion in Ghidra, but there are like­ly more, at­tempt­ing to fix all of them is prob­a­bly fu­tile. In wine, you end up with:

0380:err:gdi:alloc_gdi_handle out of GDI object handles, expect a crash

well, I don't get a crash, the game just locks up and I have to kill it. Now, I could play the game "nor­mal­ly" for hours and this prob­lem didn't man­i­fest, but lat­er when I tried to get all lines and I re­played the same stages again and again Ctrl-ing over every­thing, I could get to this in 10-15 min­utes. Ouch.

And the worst of­fend­er comes last. I fi­nal­ly get 雛姫's (Hi­na­ki's) good end­ing... and the game locks up. An­oth­er ran­dom lock­up? I retry it, the same re­sult. Wat? Check the code... there's a ty­po, and it tries to load a non-ex­ist­ing file. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU FUCK UP THE GOOD ENDING OF THE MOST MAIN CHARACTER IN THE FUCKING GAME? DID YOU RETARDS EVEN PLAYTEST THIS PIECE OF SHIT BEFORE RELEASING? OR IT WAS JUST LIKE IF IT COMPILES, SHIP IT!?


Ac­tu­al­ly, I don't know what should I write here. This VN is cer­tain­ly not a mas­ter price, but it wasn't bad enough for me to drop ei­ther... but I guess re­verse en­gi­neer­ing the en­gine and the game were more in­ter­est­ing than ac­tu­al­ly play­ing it. I should have mea­sured the re­verse en­gi­neer­ing time too, not just the game­play time, be­cause I'm sure it would have been high­er. I guess I shouldn't touch any oth­er VN for a year now, for my own sake.

My patch­es to the game en­gine are avail­able here or here.