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Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (PlayStation) Created: 1737323617 (2025-01-19T21:53:37Z), 6221 words, ~26 minutes, Tags: review, western, ea, nfs, racing
Trying to survive the Christmas (yes, it took me almost a month to write a post, again), I had a weird idea. Console versions of early NFS games were sometimes different from the normal Windows releases, so I decided to check out some of them before moving on to more "modern" NFSs. Why NFS3? I know the original 3DO version of NFS1 is pretty different from the later ports, but honestly I didn't want to touch NFS1 again. Plus I wanted to try this on my Vita, and emulating PSX is way easier there than emulating 3DO. NFS2, I booted...
Read more...Need for Speed 6: Hot Pursuit 2 (Windows) Created: 1734985690 (2024-12-23T20:28:10Z), 7463 words, ~31 minutes, Tags: review, western, ea, nfs, racing
If I could give a subtitle for this post, it would be "A dawn of a new era". But before this post it never occurred to me to have subtitles, and I don't feel like implementing it for just this post... Anyway, another favorite NFS game, having the title Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (or Need for Speed : Poursuite infernale 2 in France), the 6th game in the series... also where numbering starts to break down. It's HP2, to signify it is a spiritual successor to NFS3 which had the subtitle of Hot Pursuit, while being the 6th mainline game in the series.
Let's start with the intro as usual.
Read more...Motor City Online Created: 1733686695 (2024-12-08T19:38:15Z), 2322 words, ~10 minutes, Tags: mini review, western, ea, nfs, racing
Oh, boy. Now this is a game I really never played until a couple of days ago. Motor City Online, originally destined to be the next NFS after NFS5 (Porsche), but instead they made an online MMO without the NFS title in 2001. At that time I didn't know about the game, I probably didn't have an internet connection fast enough, I'm not a fan of muscle cars, somewhere I read it was US only, and it also had a $10 monthly subscription fee (around $18 in 2024!)... hell would freeze over before I'd even consider it. Anyway, many people consider it as an NFS game, so I put it into the NFS series too, but without giving it a number.
The servers were shut down not even two years after release in 2003, turning every copy of the game into an expensive paperweight. Or did it? Actually someone found a way to get into a hidden debug mode of some beta version of the game, where you can play against AI opponents. But before we go into details, the intro!
Read more...Need for Speed 5: Porsche Unleashed (Windows) Created: 1733263896 (2024-12-03T22:11:36Z), 6441 words, ~27 minutes, Tags: review, western, ea, nfs, racing
Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed, aka Need for Speed: Porsche in Germany/Latin America, and Need For Speed: Porsche 2000 in the rest of the world (no more オーバードライビン in Japan). Another NFS I didn't really play until now. I have a feeling I will write this a lot, maybe I should note when there is an NFS I played instead. I remember trying this out, and having fed up with doing slaloms between the cones and fucking 360s and just left it. Also, apparently back then, I got a rip version from a friend without movies and music, and it certainly didn't help me to fall in love with this... thing. But speaking of movies, the intro!
Read more...Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (Windows) Created: 1730751278 (2024-11-04T20:14:38Z), Updated: 1731116945 (2024-11-09T01:49:05Z), 7402 words, ~31 minutes, Tags: review, western, ea, nfs, racing
Oh, boy. The very first NFS game I've played and still one of my favorite. (Well, not completely true, the first NFS I played was the demo version of NFS4, with its only "Route Adonf" track, but the first full version NFS I played was NFS3.) Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (still オーバードライビンⅢ:ホットパーシュート in Japan, and Need for Speed III: Poursuite Infernale in France as a new contender) from 1998, here I come! Also, the last NFS to have a proper number and the first where the marketing department started to attach stupid names to the title of the game.
As usual, start with the intro video, which is back at 320x240 resolution this time, for the whole duration (but the second part of the intro is letterboxed from various random aspect ratios, except when it looks like an originally 4:3 video was made wide screen by adding black bars, but fucking it up so the so one row or column of pixels at the side of the video still there, visible around 01:14-01:20 or after 1:30):